tree_filter = function(x, y, search, ...params) { var node = this._root var t = {x:x, y:y, x0: this._x0, y0: this._y0, x3: this._x1, y3: this._y1, quads: [], node: node} // search.init(t, params) if (t.node) {t.quads.push(new Quad(t.node, t.x0, t.y0, t.x3, t.y3))}; search.init(t, params) var i = 0; while (t.q = t.quads.pop()) { i++; // console.log("q", t.q) // Stop searching if this quadrant can’t contain a closer node. if (!(t.node = t.q.node) || (t.x1 = t.q.x0) > t.x3 || (t.y1 = t.q.y0) > t.y3 || (t.x2 = t.q.x1) < t.x0 || (t.y2 = t.q.y1) < t.y0) continue; // Bisect the current quadrant. if (t.node.length) { t.node.explored = true; var xm = (t.x1 + t.x2) / 2, ym = (t.y1 + t.y2) / 2; t.quads.push( new Quad(t.node[3], xm, ym, t.x2, t.y2), new Quad(t.node[2], t.x1, ym, xm, t.y2), new Quad(t.node[1], xm, t.y1, t.x2, ym), new Quad(t.node[0], t.x1, t.y1, xm, ym) ); // Visit the closest quadrant first. if (t.i = (y >= ym) << 1 | (x >= xm)) { t.q = t.quads[t.quads.length - 1]; t.quads[t.quads.length - 1] = t.quads[t.quads.length - 1 - t.i]; t.quads[t.quads.length - 1 - t.i] = t.q; } } // Visit this point. (Visiting coincident points isn’t necessary!) else { var dx = x -,, dy = y -,, d2 = dx * dx + dy * dy; search.visit(t, d2); } } // console.log("i", i); return t.result; }