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My First mapbox-gl.js map

My first mapbox-gl.js map!

This is a really simple map. I just added added a GeoJSON layer depicting the boundary for Franklin County, Kentucky. I have to admit, I had to take a couple days break between my first attempt to add the county boundary and this successful one. It took running across this example from bwyss on GitHub. For some reason, looking at his project it finally clicked about how to add a feature, particularly of the GeoJSON variety, using this new library. I'm not sure that it's actually different from what is in the docmentation at Mapbox, but I had my 'Ah ha!' moment with the aforementioned example. Coming from LeafletJS/MapboxJS, mapbox-gl.js has a bit of a learning curve. There's so much styling that can be done with this new library that isn't possible when using pre-rendered tiles. It's exciting, but also means thinking differently about what I'm doing when I'm adding data to a webmap. Next steps are to add some markers and those sweet, smooth transitions when clicking between locations.