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Bambu native prototype


The app experience should be made up of these distinct parts:

  1. The icon — should catch your eye, not sure if it should look like Bambu or should look like your organization
  2. The launch state – waiting to experience Bambu the first time and every time should be delightful and inspiring, not annoying, broken, confusing or draining
  3. The list view - like all other conversation app experiences, I should be empowered to engage my spatial reasoning and make a decision about what matters to me right now
  4. The navigation – should follow Apple’s guidelines as closely as possible while still retaining the elegance, simlicity, and uniqueness of Bambu’s brand experience
  5. The menu - the list of available options for changing the content will help me contextualize how the content is relevant to me and empower me to control how I work through it and make full use of the experience
  6. The profile - I need to know how I am represented in this app to my company so remind me of what profiles I have connected, what networks I am still able to connect, what email is associated with this app, what role I have in a way that is meaningful to me, and what my performance has looked like compared to company averages
  7. The share actions - the when, where, what, and how are impacted by high-level design decisions about doing our own thing, double-dipping, and complexity of the composition view
  8. The reading view - rich, immersive, readable, and highly functional …
  9. The composition view - this is wide open for iteration … Why do we do this? · accurate, controled share counts? · “via Bambu” attribution?
  10. The scheduling view - The current triple-tap selection model seems strong. To whom can we compare?
  11. The post options view - The current double-tap selection model seems strong. To whom can we compare?
  12. The submission state -
  13. The successful submission state -
  14. The story list is empty state -
  15. The failed submission state -
  16. The push notifications - need to write business rules for these










Pull Quotes



Adorable Avatars Free, square avatars that look like little, colorful monster faces. The best part of the service is that when you pace a unique string at the end, it will always serve the same image so the avatar is always the same for that user. Example:

~~PlaceIMG — Free, random placeholder images with simple URL-based size and category configuration. Example: Too damn slow and keeps choking my page reloads in development!

LoremFlickr - Better than because it supports query strings which will generate different images on the same page at the same size.

Enable web inspector for Safari on iOS

iOS > Settings > Safari > Advanced > Web Inspector