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"""" `,-' `--.__ __,- : - - ; " :: `-. -.__ ,-sssss `._ `' _,'" ,'~~~::`.sssss-. |ssssss ,' ,_`--'_ __,' :: ` `.ssssss| |sssssss `-._____~ `,,'_______,---_;; ssssss| |ssssssssss `--'~{__ ____ ,'ssssss| `-ssssssssssssssssss ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ssss.-' `---.sssssssssssssssssssss.---' */ var w = 800; // width var h = 600; // height var margin = 100; // margin var xlabel = "murder"; // what we want on the x axis var ylabel = "robbery"; // what we want on the y axis var rlabel = "population"; // what we want for the bubble area d3.select(".container").append("svg:svg") .attr("width", w+margin) .attr("height", h+margin) .attr("class","chart"); var chart = d3.select(".chart").append("svg:g") .attr("class","content") .attr("transform", "translate(" + margin/2 + "," + margin/2 + ")"); // The transform with trasnlate will shift our group down and to the right /* The following statement creates a line for our x axis */ chart.append("svg:line") .attr("stroke-width", 1) .attr( "stroke","gray") .attr("x1", 0) .attr("y1", h) .attr("x2", w) .attr("y2", h); /* The following statement creates a line for our y axis */ chart.append("svg:line") .attr("stroke-width", 1) .attr( "stroke","gray") .attr("x1", 1) .attr("y1", 0) .attr("x2", 1) .attr("y2", h-1); d3.csv( "data.csv", function(csv) { var xMax = d3.max( csv.map( function(d) { return parseFloat(d[xlabel]); })); var yMax = d3.max( csv.map( function(d) { return parseFloat( d[ylabel] ); })); var xgrid = d3.scale.linear() .domain([0.0,xMax]) // range of data .range([0.0,w]); // range of width // 0 in, 0 out // 10 in, w out var ygrid = d3.scale.linear() .domain([0.0,yMax]) // range of data .range([h,0.0]); // range of height // 0 in, h out // 260 in, 0 out // I didn't want mine to change colors, but left this here for just in case var colorScale = d3.scale.linear() .domain([0,500]) .range(["steelblue", "steelblue"]); var radius = function(d,i) { return Math.sqrt( d[rlabel] ) / 150; // FUN FACT: we could use another scale function here instead of arbitrarily using 150 } var xpos = function(d,i) { return xgrid( d[xlabel] ); // d.murder in, corresponding x value out } var ypos = function(d,i) { return ygrid( d[ylabel] ); // d.robbery in, corresponding x value out } var color = function(d,i) { return colorScale( d["aggravated_assault"] ); } var mouseMove = function() { var infobox = d3.select(".infobox"); var coord = d3.svg.mouse(this) // now we just position the infobox roughly where our mouse is infobox.style("left", coord[0] + 15 + "px" ); infobox.style("top", coord[1] + "px"); } var mouseOver = function(d) { var bubble = d3.select(this); bubble.attr("stroke", "#000") .attr("stroke-width", 4 ); var infobox = d3.select(".infobox") .style("display", "block" ); infobox.select("p.state") .text( d.state ); infobox.select("p.xdata") .text( xlabel + ": " + d[xlabel] ); infobox.select("p.ydata") .text( ylabel + ": " + d[ylabel] ); } var mouseOut = function() { var infobox = d3.select(".infobox"); infobox.style("display", "none" ) var bubble = d3.select(this); bubble.attr("stroke", "none") } // attach function to run when mouse is moved anywhere on svg d3.select("svg") .on("mousemove", mouseMove ); // add

elements to our infobox. later we will enter our crime data there var infobox = d3.select(".infobox"); infobox.append("p") .attr("class", "state" ); infobox.append("p") .attr("class", "xdata" ); infobox.append("p") .attr("class", "ydata" ); // append bubbles and attach function to run when bubbles moused over and moused out chart.selectAll("circle.bubble").data(csv) .enter().append("svg:circle") .attr("class", "bubble") .attr("cx", xpos ) .attr("cy", ypos ) .attr("r", radius ) .attr("fill", color ) .on( "mouseover", mouseOver ) .on( "mouseout", mouseOut ); });