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Dependency Tree


This is a simple demonstration of the use of a constraint-based force layout to represent the dependency hierarchy. Subgraphs are not repeated as they are in the console rendering. As a result, we don't have to make any special provision for dependency cycles.

The Floyd-Warshall algorithm is used to display relative path distances. Floyd-Warshall has been extended with path reconstruction as well to show the shortest path solutions between nodes.

It is possible the display could be improved further through hierarchical grouping to highlight the commonly repeated subgraphs (e.g. the subgraph including the path L->I->O->P->Q).

How to use

The mouse wheel zooms and mouse drag pans. Clicking on a node focuses on it, causing its dependency subgraph to be colored according to the all paths shortest distance from the node. Mousing over a node highlights the shortest path to that node from the focused node.