Old school D3 from simpler times
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Animated D3 Logo
Animating the
D3 logo
as if it were being drawn by hand.
<!DOCTYPE html> <meta charset="utf-8"> <style> .fill { fill: #ccc; } .stroke { fill: none; stroke: #000; stroke-width: 20px; } </style> <svg width="960" height="500" viewBox="-10 -10 116 111"> <defs> <path id="dee" d="M0,0h7.75a45.5,45.5 0 1 1 0,91h-7.75v-20h7.75a25.5,25.5 0 1 0 0,-51h-7.75z"/> <path id="three" d="M36.2510,0h32a27.75,27.75 0 0 1 21.331,45.5a27.75,27.75 0 0 1 -21.331,45.5h-32a53.6895,53.6895 0 0 0 18.7464,-20h13.2526a7.75,7.75 0 1 0 0,-15.5h-7.75a53.6895,53.6895 0 0 0 0,-20h7.75a7.75,7.75 0 1 0 0,-15.5h-13.2526a53.6895,53.6895 0 0 0 -18.7464,-20z"/> <clipPath id="clip-three"> <use xlink:href="#three"/> </clipPath> </defs> <use class="fill" xlink:href="#dee"/> <use class="fill" xlink:href="#three"/> <path class="stroke" style="display:none;" d="M0,10h7.75a35.5,35.5 0 1 1 0,71h-7.75"/> <path class="stroke" style="display:none;" clip-path="url(#clip-three)" d="M36.2510,10h32a17.75,17.75 0 0 1 0,35.5h-7.75h7.75a17.75,17.75 0 0 1 0,35.5h-32"/> </svg> <script src="//d3js.org/d3.v3.min.js"></script> <script> d3.select(this) .on("touchstart", animate) .on("click", animate) .on("load", animate); function animate() { var delay = 0, stroke = d3.selectAll(".stroke"); // First cancel any active or scheduled transitions. stroke.interrupt().transition(); // Then schedule the new transition. stroke.transition().each(function() { var length = this.getTotalLength(), duration = length * 20; d3.select(this) .style("display", null) .style("stroke-dasharray", "0," + length) .transition() .delay(delay) .duration(duration) .style("stroke-dasharray", length + "," + length); delay += duration; }); } </script>