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Poisson-Disc II

This animation demonstrates how Bridson’s poisson-disc sampling algorithm works.

Red dots represent “active” samples. At each iteration, one is selected randomly from the set of all active samples. Then, up to k candidate samples (shown as hollow black dots), are randomly generated within an annulus surrounding the selected sample.

The annulus extends from radius r to 2r, where r is the minimum allowable distance between any two samples. Candidate samples within radius r from an existing sample are rejected; this “exclusion zone” is shown in gray, along with a black line connecting the rejected candidates with the existing sample that is too close. If the candidate is acceptable, it is added as a new active sample.

A background grid of size r/√2 is used to accelerate the distance check for each candidate. Because each cell can only contain at most one sample, only a fixed number of neighboring cells need to be inspected.

If none of the k candidates are acceptable, the selected active sample is marked as inactive and will no longer be used to generate candidates. Inactive samples are shown in black.

When no samples remain active, the algorithm ends.