The Impact of The Graham-Cassidy Plan

The Cassidy-Graham ACA repeal proposal would: result in New York State receiving $18.9 billion less in federal funding through 2026, without any assurances that even those meager block grant funding levels would continue beyond 2026. purposefully shift federal funds away from New York State and other states that expanded Medicaid and to those states that have refused to expand their programs result in coverage and funding cuts that would restrict access to comprehensive healthcare coverage and necessary services allow states to waive protections for individuals with pre-existing conditions and jettison requirements that plans provide comprehensive coverage

National ImpactsNew York State Medicaid ProgramCongressional District ImpactsMy District

Loss of federal funding from elimination of Medicaid expansion, ACA tax credits, and the essential health plan.

Put in something about NYS Medicaid, Beneficiary mix, FPL, Demographics, etc.

Reveal congressional districts & heatmap.

Source: some dataset [published data].