// // Set-up // // map variables to our dataset const xVariable = 'GDP_perCapita'; const yVariable = 'lifeExpectancy'; const rVariable = 'GDP'; const idVariable = 'CountryCode'; const groupByVariable = 'Region'; const tooltipVariable = 'Country'; // set label text const xLabel = 'GDP per capita [US $] - Note the logarithmic scale'; const yLabel = 'Life expectancy'; // vanilla JS window width and height const wV = window; const dV = document; const eV = dV.documentElement; const gV = dV.getElementsByTagName('body')[0]; const xV = wV.innerWidth || eV.clientWidth || gV.clientWidth; const yV = wV.innerHeight || eV.clientHeight || gV.clientHeight; // Quick fix for resizing some things for mobile-ish viewers const mobileScreen = (xV < 500); // Scatterplot const margin = { left: 30, top: 20, right: 20, bottom: 20 }; const chartWidth = document.getElementById('chart').offsetWidth; const width = Math.min(chartWidth, 800) - margin.left - margin.right; const height = width * 2 / 3; // const maxDistanceFromPoint = 50; const svg = d3.select('svg') .attr('width', (width + margin.left + margin.right)) .attr('height', (height + margin.top + margin.bottom)); const wrapper = svg.append('g').attr('class', 'chordWrapper') .attr('transform', `translate(${margin.left}, ${margin.top})`); // // Initialize Axes & Scales // const opacityCircles = 0.7; // Set the color for each region const color = d3.scaleOrdinal() .range([ '#EFB605', '#E58903', '#E01A25', '#C20049', '#991C71', '#66489F', '#2074A0', '#10A66E', '#7EB852' ]); d3.json('data.json', (error, data) => { // get values for color domain from the data const uniqueGroupByVariables = d3.set(data, d => d[groupByVariable]) .values() .sort((a, b) => a > b); // ascending alphabetical sort // set the domain of the color scale // we use this later for the legend color.domain(uniqueGroupByVariables); // Set the new x axis range const xScale = d3.scaleLog() .range([0, width]) .domain([100, 2e5]); // I prefer this exact scale over the true range and then using "nice" // .domain(d3.extent(data, function(d) { return d[xVariable]; })) // .nice(); // Set new x-axis const xAxis = d3.axisBottom() .ticks(10) .tickFormat(d => // Difficult function to create better ticks xScale.tickFormat((mobileScreen ? 4 : 8), e => { const prefix = d3.format(",.0s"); return `$${prefix(e)}`; })(d)) .scale(xScale); // Append the x-axis wrapper.append('g') .attr('class', 'x axis') .attr('transform', `translate(${0},${height})`) .call(xAxis); // Set the new y axis range const yScale = d3.scaleLinear() .range([height, 0]) .domain(d3.extent(data, d => d[yVariable])) .nice(); const yAxis = d3.axisLeft() .ticks(6) // Set rough # of ticks .scale(yScale); // Append the y-axis wrapper.append('g') .attr('class', 'y axis') .attr('transform', `translate(${0}, ${0})`) .call(yAxis); // Scale for the bubble size const rScale = d3.scaleSqrt() .range([ mobileScreen ? 1 : 2, mobileScreen ? 10 : 16 ]) .domain(d3.extent(data, d => d[rVariable])); // // Scatterplot Circles // // Initiate a group element for the circles const circleGroup = wrapper.append('g') .attr('class', 'circleWrapper'); // Place the country circles circleGroup.selectAll('marks') .data(data.sort((a, b) => b[rVariable] > a[rVariable])) // Sort so the biggest circles are below .enter().append('circle') .attr('class', (d) => `marks ${d[idVariable]}`) .style('opacity', opacityCircles) .style('fill', d => color(d[groupByVariable])) .attr('cx', d => xScale(d[xVariable])) .attr('cy', d => yScale(d[yVariable])) .attr('r', d => rScale(d[rVariable])); // // Tooltips // const tip = d3.tip() .attr('class', 'd3-tip') .html(d => { return `
` }); svg.call(tip); // // distance-limited Voronoi // /* Initiate the voronoi function Use the same variables of the data in the .x and .y as used in the cx and cy of the circle call The clip extent will make the boundaries end nicely along the chart area instead of splitting up the entire SVG (if you do not do this it would mean that you already see a tooltip when your mouse is still in the axis area, which is confusing) */ const xAccessor = d => xScale(d[xVariable]); const yAccessor = d => yScale(d[yVariable]); const limitedVoronoi = d3.distanceLimitedVoronoi() .x(xAccessor) .y(yAccessor) .limit(50) .extent([[0, 0], [width, height]]); const limitedVoronoiCells = limitedVoronoi(data); // Initiate a group element to place the voronoi diagram in const limitedVoronoiGroup = wrapper.append('g') .attr('class', 'voronoiWrapper'); // Create the distance-limited Voronoi diagram limitedVoronoiGroup.selectAll('path') .data(limitedVoronoiCells) // Use vononoi() with your dataset inside .enter().append('path') // .attr("d", function(d, i) { return "M" + d.join("L") + "Z"; }) .attr('d', (d, i) => d.path) // Give each cell a unique class where the unique part corresponds to the circle classes .attr('class', d => `voronoi ${d.datum[idVariable]}`) .style('stroke', 'lightblue') // I use this to look at how the cells are dispersed as a check .style('fill', 'none') .style('pointer-events', 'all') .on('mouseover', tip.show) .on('mouseout', tip.hide); // // Initialize Labels // const xlabelText = xLabel || xVariable; const yLabelText = yLabel || yVariable; // Set up X axis label wrapper.append('g') .append('text') .attr('class', 'x title') .attr('text-anchor', 'end') .style('font-size', `${mobileScreen ? 8 : 12}px`) .attr('transform', `translate(${width},${height - 10})`) .text(xlabelText); // Set up y axis label wrapper.append('g') .append('text') .attr('class', 'y title') .attr('text-anchor', 'end') .style('font-size', `${mobileScreen ? 8 : 12}px`) .attr('transform', 'translate(18, 0) rotate(-90)') .text(yLabelText); // // Create the Legend // if (!mobileScreen) { // Legend const legendMargin = { left: 5, top: 10, right: 5, bottom: 10 }; const legendWidth = 160; const legendHeight = 270; const svgLegend = d3.select('#legend').append('svg') .attr('width', (legendWidth + legendMargin.left + legendMargin.right)) .attr('height', (legendHeight + legendMargin.top + legendMargin.bottom)); const legendWrapper = svgLegend.append('g').attr('class', 'legendWrapper') .attr('transform', `translate(${legendMargin.left},${legendMargin.top})`); // dimensions of the colored square const rectSize = 16; // height of a row in the legend const rowHeight = 22; // width of each row // const maxWidth = 125 // Create container per rect/text pair const legend = legendWrapper.selectAll('.legendSquare') .data(color.range()) .enter().append('g') .attr('class', 'legendSquare') .attr('transform', (d, i) => `translate(${0},${i * rowHeight})`); // Append small squares to Legend legend.append('rect') .attr('width', rectSize) .attr('height', rectSize) .style('fill', d => d); // Append text to Legend legend.append('text') .attr('transform', `translate(${25},${rectSize / 2})`) .attr('class', 'legendText') .style('font-size', '11px') .attr('dy', '.35em') .text((d, i) => color.domain()[i]); // if !mobileScreen } else { d3.select('#legend').style('display', 'none'); } })