Old school D3 from simpler times


aframe-blocks roomscale 03

a roomscale VR scene targeting the HTC Vive

use the front-trigger on either Vive controller to pick up and inspect a block

in 2D mode, press W to go back and bring the scene into view. for a nicer camera position, checkout this commit commit hash 47adcf3b99846d309bb3770a516fa917782597f7

follow the stackoverflow question how to reset camera position on enter VR? for a possible method to show a nice custom camera position in 2D mode and a glued-to-the-hmd camera position when in VR

block a-boxes positions are closer to the origin than in previous examples so that they are within reach from in roomscale VR. ROADMAP: teleport locomotion ;-)

many thanks to @bryik_ws, @utopiah, @donrmccurdy over at the A-Frame slack for help getting the interaction working.

do get a slack invite of your own and check out the other places the A-Frame community gathers

all the blocks with thumbnail images created during the 2016 #d3unconf

here we use aframe's a-boxes, which are kind of like SVG rects

a fork of aframe + d3 + bl.ocks from @donrmccurdy

falling blocks brought to you by the aframe-physics-system, also from @donrmccurdy

inspired by the conversations at the 3d and VR 11am session in the Alcatraz Room at the 2016 d3 unconference