function setup() { // Use the sizeMultiplier to adjust the size of the image. The multiplier 5.76 creates a 20 inch X 20 inch picture sizeMultiplier = 1.08; // 5.76; createCanvas(1000 * sizeMultiplier, 1000 * sizeMultiplier); // change the background color if you want to see the size of the canvas background(250); // Use random seeds to generate different versions of the art, then pick the one you like best and lock it in // thumbnail image is seed 6034 // 6371 is also particularly nice, like a torch or a flower ourSeed = round(random(10000)); randomSeed(ourSeed); noiseSeed(ourSeed); // Uncomment the following line to display the seed number on the canvas fill(0); textSize(22); text(ourSeed, 10, 10, 300, 300); // If you want to see the art grow over time, play with the frameRate otherwise give an iteration number animated = false; // Final choice: 476, 747, 1657 iterationNumber = 1657; // 1657 strokeWeight(3); // 3 increment = 0.005; //.005 bezierMagnifier = 1; // 1 frameRate(60); if (animated) { iterationNumber = 0; } else { noLoop(); } stroke(0, 25); // 0, 18 noFill(); t = 0; // Loops if not animated for (i = 0; i < iterationNumber; i++) { loop(); noLoop(); } } function draw() { redValue = map(noise(t), 0, 0.44, 0, 255); greenValue = map(noise(t + 35), 0, 0.73, 0, 255); blueValue = map(noise(t + 60), 0, 0.9, 0, 255); stroke(redValue, greenValue, blueValue, 18); var x1 = width * noise(t + 15); var x2 = width * noise(t + 25); var x3 = width * noise(t + 35); var x4 = width * noise(t + 45); var y1 = height * noise(t + 55); var y2 = height * noise(t + 65); var y3 = height * noise(t + 75); var y4 = height * noise(t + 85); bezier(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4); t += increment; /* if (frameCount == iterationNumber){ saveCanvas('aandm' + iterationNumber, 'png'); } */ /* // Frame Count noStroke() fill(250) rect(10,50,300,50) fill(0) text(frameCount, 10, 50, 300, 300) stroke(0,18) noFill() */ } // Saves the output as a png when you click the mouse /* function mouseClicked() { saveCanvas('aandm476', 'png'); };*/