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aframe + d3 experiment

successfully changed the sky and bar colors. learned that in this strange 3D animation paradigm, the color of the light actually determines the color of the bars:

<a-light color="steelblue" position="0 5 0" type="ambient"></a-light>

this was non-obvious to me, and pretty cool once I figured it out.

oh, I also added a delay the the mouseout (gazeout?!) transition. the idea for this is to allow the user time to look to the next bar without snapping their attention right back to the previous bar.

Testing out with d3.js.

Since AFrame works with DOM elements, you can use d3's selection API to generate and modify 3D elements, as well as handle "mouse" events (including the VR friendly "fuse cursor") as if it was SVG.

Built with

forked from enjalot's block: aframe + d3 test