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D3 v4 Calendar View

a d3 version 4 calendar heatmap

a fork of the Calendar View bl.ock from @mbostock

created in response to the question from @BEBischof on the d3js slack

did anyone fix the calendar view to v4 yet?

(curious about this slack thing? you can get yourself an invite over at

a special thanks to @mbostock, who showed us just where to use d3 v4's new map.has(key) and map.get(key) in this twitter thread

incidentally, this is the first d3 example I've created from VR.

my current stack for d3 development in VR is Sublime Text 3 + Terminator + zsh + Chrome. this is pretty similar to the Mac environment I normally work from. from there, it's:

Ubuntu 16.04 <- VirtualBox <- Windows 10 <- BigScreen <- HTC Vive


This example demonstrates loading of CSV data, which is then quantized into a diverging color scale. The values are visualized as colored cells per day. Days are arranged into columns by week, then grouped by month and years. Colors by Cynthia Brewer. Layout inspired by Rick Wicklin and Robert Allison. Dow Jones historical data copyright Yahoo! Finance or independent data provider; fair use for educational purposes.