function Map(parent, proj, loc, zoom) { this.queue = new Queue(); this.selection =; this.parent = parent; var size = sq.Mouse.element_size(this.parent), coord = proj.locationCoordinate(loc).zoomTo(zoom); this.grid = new sq.Grid.Grid(size.x, size.y, coord, 0); this.projection = proj; sq.Mouse.link_control(this.selection, new sq.Mouse.Control(this, false)); var map = this;'', function() { map.update_gridsize() }); this.selection.selectAll('div.tile').remove(); this.redraw(false); } Map.prototype = { update_gridsize: function() { var size = sq.Mouse.element_size(this.parent); this.grid.resize(size.x, size.y); this.redraw(true); }, pointLocation: function(point) { var coord = this.grid.pointCoordinate(point ? point :; return this.projection.coordinateLocation(coord); }, locationPoint: function(loc) { var coord = this.projection.locationCoordinate(loc); return this.grid.coordinatePoint(coord); }, setCenterZoom: function(loc, zoom) { this.grid.setCenter(this.projection.locationCoordinate(loc, zoom)); this.redraw(true); }, redraw: function(moved) { var tiles = this.grid.visibleTiles(), join = this.selection.selectAll('div.tile').data(tiles, tile_key); var map = this; join.exit() .remove() .each(function(tile, i) { map.exit_handler(tile, this) }); join.enter() .append('div') .attr('class', 'tile') .text(tile_key) .each(function(tile, i) { map.enter_handler(tile, this) }); this.selection.selectAll('div.tile') .style('left', tile_left) .style('top', tile_top) .style('width', tile_width) .style('height', tile_height); this.queue.process(); this.render(); }, update: function() { var len = 0, offs = []; // get the total length of all arrays this.selection.selectAll('div.tile') .each(function() { if(this.array) { len += this.array.length } }); var xys = new Float32Array(len), off = 0; // concatenate all arrays to xys this.selection.selectAll('div.tile') .each(function() { if(this.array) { xys.set(this.array, off); offs.push(off); off += this.array.length } }); //console.log('updated', offs.length, 'node arrays', offs);; this.redraw(); }, render: function() { var keys = []; for(var key in this.arrays) { keys.push(key); } var size = sq.Mouse.element_size(this.parent), nw = this.pointLocation({x: 0, y: 0}), se = this.pointLocation(size), ul = this.projection.project(nw), lr = this.projection.project(se); ctx.draw(size, ul, lr); }, exit_handler: function(tile, node) { this.queue.cancel(node); this.update(); }, enter_handler: function(tile, node) { if(tile.coord.zoom < 12) { return; } var map = this; var callback = function(data) { map.queue.close(node); //console.log(tile.toKey(), data['features'].length, 'features'); var f32array = features_array(map, data['features']); //console.log(tile.toKey(), f32array.length, 'array'); var sw = map.projection.coordinateLocation(tile.coord.down()), ne = map.projection.coordinateLocation(tile.coord.right()), ll = map.projection.project(sw), ur = map.projection.project(ne); node.array = f32array; map.update(); } //d3.json(''+tile.toKey()+'.geojson', callback); = this.next_int().toString(); node.onjson = callback; this.queue.append(node, ''+tile.toKey()+'.geojson'); }, next_int: function() { if(this.number == undefined) { this.number = 0; } return ++this.number; } } function tile_key(tile) { return tile.toKey() } function tile_left(tile) { return tile.left() } function tile_top(tile) { return } function tile_width(tile) { return tile.width() } function tile_height(tile) { return tile.height() } function tile_xform(tile) { return tile.transform() }