Playing with reusing d3.geo for plotting. Zoom or pan on any of the plots. Subsequent transitioned example: </monfera/11085004>
Mike Bostock and Jason Davies have added cool geo features, some of which can be of interest for regular data plotting too (most of which not covered in this example):
Traditional, but data-intensive plots can benefit from adaptive resampling and line simplification
Time series plots benefit from zooming and panning (usually sufficient to do so along one dimension)
Vector tiles can be useful for scalable "slippy plots"
Mobile platforms benefit from pure SVG transforms (hardware accelerated, low energy use)
It is possible to smoothly transition among these cases, preserving object constancy
One can tween among geography views (choropleth, voronoi...) and abstract plot views (time, categorical variables etc.)
Rotate or zoom / pan tweening to the bounding box of the area of interest in the visualization
Finally, it's possibly a new application and definitely fun!
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