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Top 3 Bay Area Bike Share Stations in Trips from per city d3 Bar Chart

Starting to look through the trips csv included in this dataset I thought it would be interesting to see which stations were used the most for the given period(8/29/2013-2/28/2014). The thing that popped out was that the San Francisco Stations had drastically higher numbers of trips from their stations. I figured an effective way to show this stark comparison would be to put the top three stations from each Bay Area Bike Share "city" on a bar chart and there you go.

Now I need to make it better, and further look into the data for other relationships. I liked a to from aggregation I did w/ the trips data as well to show the most popular Start Station to End Station rides on the system but haven't decided how to put that together yet.

For now there's some stuff I'm doing/have done w/ Bay Area Bike Share data in

Use it or improve it please.