var width = 960, height = 600; var lat; var lon; //Choosing mercator because that's what I made the data in and also scale and center setting var projection = d3.geo.mercator() .scale(2000) .translate([width / 2, height / 2]) .center([-120,36]); // So now when I call path on jam it will use this projection and stuff var path = d3.geo.path() .projection(projection); var zoom = d3.behavior.zoom() .translate([0, 0]) .scale(1) .scaleExtent([1, 18]) .on("zoom", zoomed);"body").append("h4") .html('Total number of Democrats: 52
Total number of Republicans: 28') .style('color', 'white') .attr('class', 'bigtitle'); // Appending the actual SVG to the body of the page w/ height width var holder ="body").append("div") .attr("class", "maphold").style("width", width + "px").style("height", height+"px") holder.append('div') .attr('class','distinfo') .style('background-color', "white") .style('width', "200px") .html('Click on a district to see details') var svg = holder.append("svg") .attr("width", width) .attr("height", height); svg.append("rect") .attr("class", "overlay") .attr("width", width) .attr("height", height) .call(zoom); var features = svg.append('g')//.call(zoom) // things seem to work best if I just call zoom on svg though calling it on the // .overlay above as well doesn't break stuff like calling zoom on the features. //'.maphold') function makemap(house){ d3.selectAll('path') .remove(); //Make the house the in title the right one'.chatit') .text(function(){ if(house =='lower'){ return 'Assembly' } return 'Senate' }) d3.json("" + house +".json" // "/calAss1.json" , function(cali) { console.log(cali.objects); // if statement to deal with different object names in topojson if(house ==="upper"){ var neighbors = topojson.neighbors(cali.objects.caSenDist.geometries); var districts = topojson.feature(cali, cali.objects.caSenDist).features; } else{ var neighbors = topojson.neighbors(cali.objects.assemD2011.geometries); var districts = topojson.feature(cali, cali.objects.assemD2011).features; } console.log(neighbors); features.selectAll(".casubun") .data(districts) .enter().append("path") .attr("class", function(d) { return "casubun"; }) .attr("d", path) .style("fill",function(d,i){ //console.log(d) return "green"; }); if(house ==="upper"){ features.append("path") .datum(topojson.mesh(cali,cali.objects.caSenDist, function(a,b){ return a; })) .attr("d",path) .attr("class", "bords") } else{ features.append("path") .datum(topojson.mesh(cali,cali.objects.assemD2011, function(a,b){ return a; })) .attr("d",path) .attr("class", "bords") } //.attr(); d3.json(''+house, function(datur){ //console.log(d) var dable = datur; var numRepubs = 0; var numDems = 0; var distos = d3.selectAll('.casubun') .style('fill', function(d, i){ var tofi = 'yellow'; var dnum =; // console.log(d) datur.forEach(function(w, e){ // Matching the distcts with the console.log(w) if(w.district == dnum ){ console.log('a match!'); if( === "Republican"){ = "Republican"; = w.full_name; numRepubs++; return tofi = 'red' } = "Democrat"; = w.full_name numDems++; tofi = 'blue'; } }) // console.log(d); putTots(); return tofi; }) function putTots(){'.numDems') .text(numDems);'.numRepu') .text(numRepubs); } navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(function(pos){ console.log('geoloc', pos); lat = pos.coords.latitude; lon = pos.coords.longitude; var projcoor = projection([lon,lat]); features.append('circle') .attr('cx',function(){ console.log(projection([lon,lat])); return projcoor[0] }) .attr('cy',function(){ return projcoor[1] }) .attr('r','10') .attr('fill','green') .attr('class', 'myloc') }) console.log(distos[0]) d3.selectAll(".casubun").on('click', function(d){ console.log(this); d3.selectAll('.casubun') .style('fill', makePcol) .attr('class', 'casubun') .attr('stroke','null') var blah =; blah .style('fill', 'fuchsia') .attr('stroke', 'orange') .attr('class', 'casubun hoved') console.log(d);'.distinfo') .html(function(){ console.log(( if( != undefined ){ return 'District ' + +' '+} else{ return 'No one' } }) }) .on('mouseout', function(d){ console.log('outter there') }); }) }); } function makePcol(d){ // console.log('making colors', d) if( == 'Democrat'){ return 'blue' } else if( == 'Republican'){ return 'red'; } else{ return 'yellow' } } makemap('upper');"body") .transition() .style("background-color", "black"); function housech(value){ console.log('house changed', value) makemap(value); }