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Bibliography (by units of analysis)
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(8) Woody, Mary L., John E. McGeary, and Brandon E. Gibb. "Brooding rumination and heart rate variability in women at high and low risk for depression: Group differences and moderation by COMT genotype." Journal of Abnormal Psychology 123.1 (2014): 61-67. Print.
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(11) Scheuerecker, Johanna, et al. "Orbitofrontal volume reductions during emotion recognition in patients with major depression." Journal of Psychiatry and Neuroscience 35 (2010): 311+. Print.
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(13) Treadway, Michael T., et al. "Early Adverse Events, HPA Activity and Rostral Anterior Cingulate Volume in MDD." PLoS ONE 4.3 (2009): e4887. Print.
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(17) Matos, Marcela, José Pinto-Gouveia, and Vânia Costa. "Understanding the Importance of Attachment in Shame Traumatic Memory Relation to Depression: The Impact of Emotion Regulation Processes." Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy 20.2 (2013): 149-65. Print.
(18) Treadway, Michael T., and David H. Zald. "Reconsidering anhedonia in depression: Lessons from translational neuroscience." Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews 35.3 (2011): 537-55. Print.
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