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Cal-Adapt - Sea Level Rise Data (Radke et al 2016)

Explore depth of future innundations resuting from Sea Level Rise and likely future storm events for the San Francisco Bay. This data is based on following study:

Radke, J. D., G. S. Biging, M. Schmidt-Poolman, H. Foster, E. Roe, Y. Ju, O. Hoes, T. Beach, A. Alruheil, L. Meier, W. Hsu, R. Neuhausler, W. Fourt (University of California, Berkeley). 2016. An Assessment of the Climate Change Vulnerability of the Natural Gas Transmission Infrastructure for the San Francisco Bay Area, Sacramento—San Joaquin Delta, and Coastal California. California Energy Commission.

A brief summary of the study:

While the original study modelled the San Francsico Bay at resolutions that ranged between 3 square meters and 12 square meters, the data on Cal-Adapt has been resampled to a spatial resolution of 3 square meters and shows the maximum innundation depth during the 72 hour simulation period.

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####Disclaimer: This data visualization is a personal exercise. Any views or ideas represented here are personal and do not represent those of people, institutions or organizations that I may be associated with.