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Relative Budgets

(This chart is a part of the d3-charts collection available here.)

Shows how different parties fall on the spectrum of budget proposals relative to each other and a fabled centre in the middle.


There are three types of values types to display:

  1. Percentage
  2. Money
  3. Quantity

If you ever managed a budget in a spreadsheet, you are probably already familiar with denoting these as:

  1. %
  2. $
  3. #

To take an example, say you want have an office with five desks, hire five more people, and as a result, need five more desks at 50 bucks a pop. You could represent this budgeting as:

   %   |   $   |  #
 +100% | +$250 | +5

You can display one or several of these representations as you see fit for your explanatory chart.

(NB: Always remember the difference between per cent and percentage points.)

Data Example

"Ryan Budget": {
    "percentage": 0,
    "money": 0
"Senate Democrats": {
    "percentage": 2.3,
    "money": 975000000000
"Progressive Caucus": {
    "percentage": 14.1,
    "money": 3900000000000


var thresholdTitle = "Budgets compared",
    valueTypes = ["percentage", "money"],

    moneyPrefix = "$",  // "$", "£", "€"
    moneySuffix = "",  // "USD", "GBP", "EUR"
    quantityNoun = "",  // "Jobs", "F-35s"

    valueLabel = "none",  // "text", "symbol", "none"
    useMultipleSymbols = false,  // true, false
    symbolType = "triangle-down";
    // "circle", "cross", "diamond", "square",
    // "triangle-up", "triangle-down"


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