(function () { var d3 = window.d3 // have a reference to the containing element var dom = d3.select('.js-vis-wrap') // create some dummy data /* const data = [0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100 ...] */ var data = d3.range(14).map(function (n) { return n * 10; }) // have a max number of items to display var maxDisplay = 6 // track if the pagination is clicked var paginationState = true // labels for pagination button var paginationText = ['next →', '← prev'] // loop through the data to append charts data.forEach(function (d, i) { console.log(d) // put max number of items in this div if (i < maxDisplay) { createChart(d, i, '.js-vis-1') } else { // overflow any others here createChart(d, i, '.js-vis-2') } }) // add pagination if over max number of items if (data.length > maxDisplay) { createPagination(dom) } else { removePagination(dom) } // create a simple 'chart' to illustrate example function createChart (datum, index, selection) { // this could be an svg etc dom.select(selection).append('div') .attr('class', 'col col-2 p2 m1 chart i-' + index) .append('h1') .attr('class', 'center') .text(datum) } // add pagination function createPagination (sel) { sel.append('button') .attr('class', 'pagination inline-block btn btn-primary m1') .on('click', function () { // main div holding 9 items sel.select('.js-vis-1') .classed('display-none', paginationState) // div holding remaining items sel.select('.js-vis-2') .classed('display-none', !paginationState) // update pagination state if (paginationState) { paginationState = false // update the btn label 'prev' sel.select('.pagination') .text(paginationText[1]) } else { paginationState = true // update the btn label 'next' sel.select('.pagination') .text(paginationText[0]) } }) .text(paginationText[0]) } // have a method to clear pagination when not needed function removePagination (sel) { sel.select('.pagination').remove() } }())