HTML stands for Hypertext Markup Language. HTML is a language that creates the structure of a webpage and allows it do display content.
CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets. CSS is a language that allows for editing of the appearence of webpages by changing things like text size, color, or backgrounds.
JavaScript is programing language that can be used to make webpages interactive for users.
The emphasis tag (em) makes the text within it italicized. Paragraph (p) separates paragraphs of text. !DOCTYPE designates the type of document, usually html. "a" designates a hyperlink.
The Break tag (br) does not require an end tag, and creates breaks in text.
Element selectors are pieces of CSS that designate style for a particular element of a webpage, for example, body paragraphs. ID selectors select and edit only one unique element on a page. Class selectors select and edit all elements within a designated "class" of elements determined by the page creator
I created a class selector for all of the paragraphs in the style section of the scripts, and set color:orange.