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Time axis with centered labels and sticky month names.

Hint: Use double click to zoom in and shift + double click to zoom out.

I was using require.js and backbone.js and therefore there is a lot of extra code here. So I will highlight the most useful parts.

There is a few features I want to share:

Labels between ticks

This feature was implemented in the axisdaysview.js.
At first it is called this.axis as usual and then text labels are moved to the half-of-the-day:


Here is adjustTextLabels function:

adjustTextLabels: function(selection) {
    selection.selectAll('.major text')
        .attr('transform', 'translate(' + G.utils.daysToPixels(1) / 2 + ',0)');

The daysToPixels calculates the width of the day (or days) in pixels depending on the current scale. Function defined in the global.js:

daysToPixels: function(days, timeScale) {
    var d1 = new Date();
    timeScale || (timeScale = Global.timeScale);
    return timeScale(, days)) - timeScale(d1);

Sticky months

Sticky months are implemented in the axismonthsview.js in the renderMonthNames.
The getVisibleMonths returns an array of the months to be drawn.
The setTextPosition trying to align the name of the month to the center and applies simple maths to leave the month name at the scene as long as possible.