Built with blockbuilder.org
forked from mostaphaRoudsari's block: 01_workshop_select and append
<title>d3js workshop - data binding</title>
<script src="https://d3js.org/d3.v3.js"></script> <!-- import D3 library -->
<div id="selectMe" class="selectMe">
Select me if you can!
<div id="doNotSelectMe" class="doNotSelectMe">
Keep distance! Thanks.
<script type="text/javascript">
// you can select items with d3 based on element type, id,
// class, or combination of them here are some examples
// this will select all divs and update the text
// d3.selectAll('div').text("You are selected!");
// this will select only divs with class selectMe
// d3.selectAll('div.selectMe').text("You are selected!") ;
// or any element that is classed as selectMe
// d3.selectAll('.selectMe').text("You are selected!");
// this will select only divs with id selectMe
// d3.selectAll('div#selectMe').text("You are selected!");
// and you can append items to your selection
// let's select body and append a new div
// check the order of elements in HTML page
// and also I'm using select this time!
.text("I'm the new div added by d3! Yo!");
Modified http://d3js.org/d3.v3.js to a secure url