var viewportWidth = $(window).width(); var viewportHeight = $(window).height(); var width = viewportWidth/1.1; var height = viewportHeight*.9; var padding = viewportHeight*.03; var yLabel = height - 2; /* * Who are the top 10 contributors (by # of playlists) to the Free Music Archive? * see for more details */ function requestCurators() { d3.jsonp(""); } function visualise(data){ var color = d3.scale.category20c(); var svg ="article") .attr("width", viewportWidth ) .append("svg") .attr({ "width":width, "height":height }) var rect = svg.selectAll("rect") .data(data.dataset) .enter() .append("rect") .attr("fill", function(d) { return color(Math.floor(d.curator_playlists)); }) .attr("x", function(d, i) { return i * (width / 10); }) .attr("y", function(d) { return height - padding - d.curator_playlists* 18; }) .attr({ "width":width/16, "height":function(d){return d.curator_playlists * 18;} }) .on("mouseover", function(d,i){ var xPos = Math.floor("x")); var label = svg.append("text") .classed("curatorName",true) .text(function(){ return d.curator_title + ", " + d.curator_playlists; }) .attr({ "y":yLabel, "x":xPos }) }) .on("mouseout", function(d,i){"text.curatorName").remove(); }) } requestCurators();