var w = window.innerWidth/1.1; var h = window.innerHeight/1.5; var barWidth, year, bars, svg, scaleX, scaleY, xAxisLabelTransform, drawRects; var year = 2012; var init = true; var opts = { "stroke": "none", "fill": "#333333", "font-size": ".5em", "font-weight": "bold", "z-index": 9000 }; // will hold the bar chart"section").append("svg").append("g").classed("chart",true).attr("transform","translate(37,10)"); // will hold the yAxis var yAxis ="section svg").append("g").classed("yAxis",true); // label for yAxis yAxis.append("text") .attr({ "transform":"rotate(-90)", "x": -h, "y": ".95em", "dy": "-4.5em", "text-anchor":"start", }) .style(opts) .text("Total humanitarian pop from top source countries"); // will hold the xAxis var xAxis ="section svg").append("g").classed("xAxis",true); var drawBarChart = function(w,h,year) { d3.json("source.json", function(error, json) { if(json){ drawRects = function(year){ barWidth = (w/json[year].length -1)*0.95; var entireWidth = barWidth*json[year].length; svg ="svg") .attr({ width: w, height: window.innerHeight/1.1 }); // Scale for y axis. Input range is # of persons, output range is height of svg) scaleY = d3.scale.linear() .domain([0, d3.max(json[year], function(d) { return d; })]) .range([ h,0]); // Ordinal scale for x axis scaleX = d3.scale.ordinal() .domain( { return d; })) .rangeBands([0,entireWidth]); bars ="g.chart").selectAll("") .data(json[year], function(d, i){ return [year, d, i]; }); // bars.enter() .append("g") .classed("bar",true); // Create the spacing between each g bars.attr("transform", function(d,i) { return "translate(" + (i*barWidth) +",0)"; }); // Nest a rect within each g bars.append("rect") .style({ "fill":"#e74c3c", "stroke-width": 0.5, "stroke": "#efefef" }) .attr({ "height": function(d) { return 0; }, "width": barWidth, "y":function(d) { return h; } }) .transition() .attr({ "height": function(d) { return h - scaleY(d); }, "y":function(d) { return scaleY(d); } }) .duration(500); bars .exit().remove(); // Nest text within each g bars.append("text") .classed("total",true) .text(function(d) { return d; }) .attr({ "y": function(d){ return scaleY(d) - 4; }, "x": function(){ return barWidth * 0.5; }, "text-anchor": "middle", "alignment-baseline": "middle" }) .style(opts) .style("display","none"); // On hover, change rect colour and display tooltip bars.on("mouseover", function(){"fill","#333333");"display","inline"); }); bars.on("mouseout", function(){"fill","#e74c3c");"display","none"); }); // Create a y axis for the bar chart yAxis .attr("transform", "translate(35,10)") .style({ "stroke-width": ".1em", "fill":"none", "stroke":"#333333" }) .transition().duration(1000).ease("1000") .call(d3.svg.axis().scale(scaleY).orient("left").ticks(10).tickSize([2])); // Create an x axis for the bar chart var xAxisScale = d3.svg.axis() .scale(scaleX) .orient("bottom"); xAxis .style("fill","none") .attr("transform", "translate(0," + (h+10) + ")") .call(xAxisScale) .append("text"); // Depending on viewport size, rotate x asis labels for usability var positionLabels = function () { if (document.body.clientWidth < 600) { xAxisLabelTransform = "rotate(90) translate(5,-47)"; d3.selectAll("rect").style("pointer-events", "none"); } else { xAxisLabelTransform = "rotate(60) translate(20,-41)"; } return xAxisLabelTransform; }(); d3.selectAll(".xAxis text") .attr("transform",xAxisLabelTransform) .style("text-anchor","start"); d3.selectAll(".tick").style(opts); }; var drawNavigation = function () { var navigationYears = []; for(var prop in json){ if (prop != "Source"){ navigationYears.push(prop); } }".navigation") .selectAll("li") .data(navigationYears) .enter() .append("li") .append("text") .text(function(d){ return d; }); }(); // getYear gives user control of data displayed var getYear = function (){ if(init){ var years = document.querySelectorAll("li text"); for (var i = 0; i < years.length; i++){ years[i].addEventListener("click", trigger); // initial nav item presented if(i == years.length-1){ years[i].parentNode.classList.add("active"); init = false; } } } function trigger(){ var clear = document.querySelectorAll(".active"); for (var i = 0; i < clear.length; i++){ clear[i].classList.remove("active"); } year = this.innerHTML; d3.selectAll("rect").remove(); drawRects(year); this.parentNode.classList.add("active"); } }(); // initially, display 2012 drawRects(year); } else{ console.warn(error); } }); }; drawBarChart(w,h,year); // Resize bar chart on viewport size change var resize = function() { w = window.innerWidth/1.1; d3.selectAll("rect").remove();"yAxis").remove(); //get and redraw the year being viewed on resize var year = document.querySelectorAll(".active"); year = year[0].firstChild.innerHTML; drawBarChart(w,h,year); };'resize', resize);