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What per cent of people per North American country use the Internet?

What per cent of people are using the Internet by North American country?

This map compares UN Data figures from 2012 and 2007.


UN Data: Percentage of individuals using the Internet
Note: Data is for sovereign states only. Data for dependent territories and other areas is not included. This is my third visualisation of Internet access and use by country or region. My first looks at the UK.

Colour scheme: Cynthia Brewer's Color Brewer project.
northAmerica.json: based on combination of Johan Sundström's GeoJson data and Flickr Shapefiles Public Dataset 2.0.

GeoJson data for Antigua and Barbuda, Barbados, Dominica, Grenada, Saint Kitts and Nevis and Saint Lucia is from the flickr dataset.

Visible Data's How to make a choropleth legend post.