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<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <link href="https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Lato:300,400" rel="stylesheet"> <script src="https://d3js.org/d3.v3.min.js"></script> <style> /* *{ border: 1px solid orange !important; } */ /* To fix/add: - hardcoded foh in yc array (because ems --> pix) - lineheight in foreign object - font scaling less dramatic - css separated - add details on hover? - make it visible on phones LAYOUT FEEDBACK: - instead of arrows pointing to events, maybe a thin line (Robby suggestion) - arrange categories better */ body{ font-family: 'Lato', sans-serif; font-size:100%; /* flexible baseline - commonly 16px. Then, as example, 1.25em will result in 20px */ font-weight: 300; margin:0; height: 100vh; /*30em; /*500px;*/ width: 100vw; /*full width of screen*/ /*width:1500px;*/ overflow-y: hidden; } #wrapper { width:100vw; height:100vh; display:block; } #CVheader { height: 10%; /*6em; /*90px;*/ width: 100%; /* background-color:"red";*/ /* padding-top: .2em; 4px;*/ /* overflow:auto;*/ } #headerleft { width:9em; /*300px;*/ height:1.3em;/*40px;*/ float:left; position:absolute; color:"black"; background-color:#e0e0d9; text-align: center; border-radius: 2em; /*25px;*/ } #headerright { width:10em; /*320px;*/ height:1.3em;/*40px;*/ float:right; text-align: center; position:absolute; right: 0; color:#716c6c; /* border: 3px solid white;*/ background-color:#444; border-radius: 2em; /*25px;*/ } /* #headerright:hover { animation: shake 0.82s cubic-bezier(.36,.07,.19,.97) both; transform: translate3d(0, 0, 0); backface-visibility: hidden; perspective: 1000px; } */ .hoverclass { animation: shake 0.7s cubic-bezier(.36,.07,.19,.97) both; transform: translate3d(0, 0, 0); backface-visibility: hidden; /* perspective: 1px;*/ } @keyframes shake { 10%, 90% { transform: translate3d(-2px, 1px, 0); } 20%, 80% { transform: translate3d(2px, -1px, 0); } 30%, 50%, 70% { transform: translate3d(-4px, 3px, 0); } 40%, 60% { transform: translate3d(4px, 2px, 0); } } #content { height:85%; /* min-height: 80%;*/ } #lifeline { width:100vw; /* ensures it stretches the full width of the page */ height:90%; } .category_buttons { height: 2em; /*height of whole section*/ display: -webkit-flex; display: flex; -webkit-align-items: top; align-items: top; -webkit-justify-content: center; justify-content: center; } div.category_buttons div { width: 8em; height:1.1em; line-height: 1.1em; /*needed for vertical align*/ vertical-align: middle; text-align: center; background-color: white; padding: .3em; margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em; border-radius: 2em; border:1px solid #9d9999; color:#444; font-weight: 100 } div.category_buttons > div:first-of-type { /*select first button "all", to be diff color*/ background-color: rgb(247, 230, 210); } #footer { text-align: center; font-size: .7em; width:100vw; height:5%; /*2.5em;*/ line-height: 2.5sem; vertical-align: bottom; bottom:0; } #rotatediv { display:flex; background-color:#6d6c6c; display: block; height: 100%; width: 100%; font-size: 4em; color: "white"; /* float:center;*/ text-align: center; position:fixed; color:rgb(247, 230, 210); vertical-align:middle; } h2 { margin-left: 1em; /*15px;*/ margin-right: 1em; /*15px;*/ margin-bottom: 1em; /*15px;*/ font-size: 2em; } h3{ margin-left: 1em;/*15px;*/ margin-top: 0em; font-weight: 100; font-size: 1em; } h2CV { margin-bottom: .06em; font-size: 1em; /*12px;*/ line-height: .6em; font-weight: 400; color: "black"; } h3CV { margin-top: 0em; font-weight: 100; font-size: .8em; /*10px;*/ /* line-height: 10em;*/ color: "black"; } a { color:#494949; text-decoration:none; } a:hover { font-weight: 400; } .lefty {text-align: left !important;} .centry {text-align: center !important;} .righty {text-align: right !important;} .lifelinetext{ display:none; } /* # info was needed for mouse position testing*/ /* #info { position: absolute; bottom: 10px; right: 10px; background-color: black; color: white; padding: 25px 50px; } */ /*-------CATCH ROTATED SMART PHONES AND SCREENS -----------*/ /* for non rotated screens: do not show rotation message */ #rotatediv {display: none;} /* only when orientation is in portrait mode: */ @media screen and (orientation:portrait) { #content {display: none;} #rotatediv {display: flex;} } /*-------CATCH for iPHONES where body width = "vh" gives problems... -----------*/ /** iPad with landscape orientation. */ @media all and (device-width: 768px) and (device-height: 1024px) and (orientation:landscape){ body { /* width:2*1024px; always times 2--> visualization is twice width!*/ } } /** iPhone 5 */ /*@media screen and (device-aspect-ratio: 40/71) {*/ @media screen and (device-height: 568px) and (device-width: 320px) and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2){ body { /* width:2*568px; always times 2--> visualization is twice width!*/ } } </style> <script> // MAIN DRAW CVCM FUNCTION! function draw(data){ var environment = "CV"; // to ensure colorcodings match the CV or CM page //Width and height of CV visualization var w = 2*window.screen.availWidth; //because the visualization is spread over two lengths of the window! var h = 1/2*window.screen.availHeight; var margin = {top: 0, right: 0, bottom: 0, left:0}; width = w - margin.left - margin.right; height = h - margin.top - margin.bottom; // window.width = w - margin.left - margin.right; // window.height = h - margin.top - margin.bottom; //Sizing variables for lifeline visualization var arrowlinewidth = 5; var arrowlineheight = 60; var arrowheadbasewidth = 15; var arrowheadlength = 15; var arrowtextdistance = 5; var lifelineheight = ".7em"; var relypos = 4/9; // where life line will be drawn on y axes var lifelinemarginL = 40; // margin space at start of life line var lifelinemarginR = 100; // margin space at end of life line // Find full domains of input data var lifeline_extent = d3.extent(data,function(d){ return d['age']; }); var arrowheight_extent = d3.extent(data,function(d){ return d['arrowheight']; }); //Setting scales var xScale = d3.scale.linear() .domain(lifeline_extent) .range([lifelinemarginL, width-lifelinemarginR]); var yScale = d3.scale.linear() .domain(arrowheight_extent) .range([0, height]); //xScale(#years) --> # pixels on time axes //xScale.invert(#pixels) --> #years //xScale.invert(lifelinemargin) --> 0 years (born) //xScale.invert(0) --> -1.3670886075 years (margin on left side, in years) //Create SVG element that holds the CV var svg = d3.select("body").select("#content") .append("svg") .attr("id","lifeline") .attr("width", .5*width) .attr("height", height) .attr("viewBox", "0 0 "+.52*width+" "+height+"") //Create one large horizontal life-line var lifeline = svg.append("rect") .attr("x", 0) .attr("y", relypos*height) .attr("width", width) //line across full length of div! .attr("height", lifelineheight) .attr("fill", "#716c6c"); // CREATE ARROW GROUPS at AGE LOCATIONS var lifearrows = svg.append("g") .attr("id","lifearrows"); var arrows = lifearrows.selectAll("g") .data(data) //when I add: function(d){return d.age;},arrows at same age go missing .enter() .append("g") .attr("transform", function(d) { return "translate(" + xScale(d.age) + ",0)" ;} ) .attr("class","arrow") .attr("id", function(d, i) { return ("arrow" + d.index); }) arrows.append("rect") .attr("width", arrowlinewidth) .attr("height", arrowlineheight) .attr("x", 0) .attr("y", relypos*height) .attr("height", function(d) { return d.arrowheight; }) .attr("fill", "#716c6c") arrows.append("path") .attr('d', function(d) { var x = - .5*arrowheadbasewidth + .5*arrowlinewidth; var y = relypos*height + d.arrowheight; // starting coord. of triangle var lr = arrowheadbasewidth, ld = arrowheadlength, ll = -.5*arrowheadbasewidth; return 'M ' + x +' '+ y + ' l ' + lr + ' 0 l ' + ll + ' ' + ld + ' z'; }) .attr("stroke", "#716c6c") .attr("stroke-width", 2) .attr("fill", "#716c6c") // interaction with arrows: function arrowclick(d3Element){ console.log("you clicked an arrow") lt = d3.selectAll(".lifelinetext") var curelement = +d3Element.__data__.index; }; function arrowmouseover(d3Element){ // d3Element.style.cursor = "pointer"; lt = lifelinetextgroup.selectAll(".lifelinetext") var curelement = +d3Element.__data__.index; console.log(curelement) lt[0][curelement].style.display="flex" }; function arrowmouseout(d3Element){ // d3Element.style.cursor = "default"; lt = lifelinetextgroup.selectAll(".lifelinetext") var curelement = +d3Element.__data__.index; console.log(curelement) lt[0][curelement].style.display="none" }; arrows.on("mouseover", function(d) { arrowmouseover(this); }) .on("mouseout", function(d) { arrowmouseout(this); }) .on("click", function() { arrowclick(this); }) // ROTATE ARROWS WHERE INDICATED for(var i=0; i<data.length ; i++){ if(data[i].direction === "up"){ // NEW: use data on arrow direction: if data.direction == up, flip arrow; var selection = d3.select("#arrow" + data[i].index +""); selection.attr("transform", function(d) { return "rotate(-180,0,"+ relypos*height + ") translate(-"+xScale(data[i].age)+",0)";} ) } }; // Create text labels for all events using FOREIGNOBJECT var textgroup = svg.append("g") .attr("id","textgroup"); // Calculate forgeign object box sizes: var foh = "10em"; // ems - foreign object height can be large, it is the outside box only var fow = 210; // pixels - foreign object width can be large, it is the outside box only var bleedoverleft = 1; // years - x-position of text boxes in years, left of the actual event var fotwmax = 2.8; // years - maximum width of foreign object text label boxes var fotwmin = fotwmax-.2; // years - minimum width of foreign object text label boxes // 1. calculate space between the current event's year and the prior and after event //xScale.invert(#pixels) --> zero point is margin: "prior to born" in #years var dyears = [Math.abs(xScale.invert(0))]; for(var i=1; i < data.length; i++){ var obj = data[i].age - data[i-1].age; dyears.push(obj); } //xScale.invert(#pix) -> #years after the very last lifeline event dyears[dyears.length] = xScale.invert(width)-data[data.length-1].age; // 2. determine x and y-coordinate current event text box in YEARS var xc = [], yc = []; for(var i=0; i < dyears.length-1; i++){ // if there is >bleedoverleft years on the left side of the event: if(dyears[i] > bleedoverleft){ var xct = data[i].age - bleedoverleft; //fixed amount to the left of arrow var yct = relypos*height + data[i].arrowheight + arrowheadlength + arrowtextdistance; } // if there is 1 < X < bleedover years on the left side of the event: if(dyears[i] <= bleedoverleft & dyears[i] > 0){ // >0 because first entry has negatiev years var xct = data[i].age - dyears[i]; var yct = relypos*height + data[i].arrowheight + arrowheadlength + arrowtextdistance; } xc.push(xct); yc.push(yct); } // Adjust x coodinate list manually: // change first x coordinate xc[0]=-.7*bleedoverleft; // add a last element of xc and yc vector to ensure math goes well: indicates the end of the timeline: xc[xc.length]=xScale.invert(width)-.9; yc[yc.length]=yScale.invert(relypos*height); // 3. foreign object text box width (fotw) --> determine width & position for current event text box in YEARS var fotw = []; for(var i=0; i<dyears.length-1; i++){ var obj = (xc[i+1] - xc[i]); fotw.push(obj); } // manually adjust width of label positions: fotw[fotw.length-2] = fotw[fotw.length-2]-11; // width of one before last one fotw[fotw.length-1] = fotw[fotw.length-1]-2; // width of last one (death) xc[xc.length-1]=[fotw.length-1]-1.8;//+xScale.invert(0); // debugger; fotw[4]=2.4; // one too small one fotw[5]=2.6; // one too small one xc[4]=xc[4]-1.8;//+xScale.invert(0); // for all fotw > max value, clip to max vaule for(var i=0; i<=fotw.length-1; i++){ if(fotw[i]>fotwmax){fotw[i]=fotwmax} }; // 4. Apply these calculated measures for all TEXT boxes textgroup.selectAll('foreignObject') .data(data) //, function(d) { return d.event_header, d.event_details, d.direction; }) .enter() .append('foreignObject') .attr("id", function(d,i) { return ("textbox" + d.index); }) .attr("x", function(d,i) { if(d.align === "left"){return xScale(xc[i]); } if(d.align === "center"){return xScale(xc[i]); } if(d.align === "right"){return xScale(xc[i]-.8); } // shift these blocks bit to the left }) .attr("y", function(d,i) { // debugger; if(d.direction === "up"){return relypos*height - data[i].arrowheight - arrowheadlength - 125; } if(d.direction === "down"){return yc[i]; } }) .attr('width', function(d,i) {return xScale(fotw[i]) }) .attr('height', foh) .attr("class", function(d) { if(d.align === "left"){return "lefty";} if(d.align === "center"){return "centry";} if(d.align === "right"){return "righty";} }) .html(function(d,i) { return '<div style="width:' + xScale(fotw[i]) + 'px;"><h2CV>' + d.event_header + '</h2CV></div><div style="width:' + xScale(fotw[i]) + 'px;"><h3CV style="line-height:20%;">' + d.event_details + '</h3CV></div>'} ) //debugger; d3.selectAll("foreignObject") .on("mouseover", function(d) { textmouseover(this); }) .on("mouseout", function(d) { textmouseout(this); }) function textmouseover(d3Element){ var curelement = +d3Element.__data__.index; console.log(curelement) q = document.getElementsByClassName("lifelinetext") q[curelement].style.display="flex" }; function textmouseout(d3Element){ var curelement = +d3Element.__data__.index; console.log(curelement) q = document.getElementsByClassName("lifelinetext") q[curelement].style.display="none" }; // put date labels inside timeline: var lifelinetextgroup = svg.append("g") .attr("id","lifelinetextgroup"); var month = new Array(); month[0] = "January"; month[1] = "February"; month[2] = "March"; month[3] = "April"; month[4] = "May"; month[5] = "June"; month[6] = "July"; month[7] = "August"; month[8] = "September"; month[9] = "October"; month[10] = "November"; month[11] = "December"; lifelinetextgroup.selectAll("text") .data(data) //, function(d) { return d.date}) <-- causes skip of data again .enter() .append("text") .attr("class", "lifelinetext") .attr("id", function(d,i) {return "lt"+i+""}) .text(function(d,i) { if(d.date.getDate() == "1") {return d3.time.format(""+month[d.date.getMonth()]+" "+d.date.getDate()+"st "+d.date.getFullYear()+"");} if(d.date.getDate() == "2") {return d3.time.format(""+month[d.date.getMonth()]+" "+d.date.getDate()+"nd "+d.date.getFullYear()+"");} if(d.date.getDate() == "3") {return d3.time.format(""+month[d.date.getMonth()]+" "+d.date.getDate()+"rd "+d.date.getFullYear()+"");} else {return d3.time.format(""+month[d.date.getMonth()]+" "+d.date.getDate()+"th "+d.date.getFullYear()+"");} }) .attr("text-anchor", "middle") .attr("x", function(d,i) {return xScale(d.age); }) .attr("y", function(d,i) {return (relypos*height + 8); }) .attr("font-family", "Garamond") // .attr("font-size", "9px") .attr("font-size", ".6em") .attr("fill", "white"); // create INTERACTIVE CATEGORY buttons! function key_func(d){ return d.index; }; function update(cat,duration) { // cat is button category name console.log("updating") // GROUP data by category: var grouped = d3.nest() //grouping. In this case: group data by category .key(function(d){ return d['category']; }) .entries(data); //passes data through nest pipeline debugger; if(cat.slice(0,4) === "all") { console.log("show all events") var data_to_enter = data; }else{ // filter data for giving category: filter() var filtered = grouped.filter(function(d) { if(d.key.slice(0,4) === cat.slice(0,4)) { return d.key;} }); var data_to_enter = filtered[0].values; }; // UPDATE arrow style based on button press var arrows = d3.select("#lifearrows").selectAll("g") .data(data_to_enter,key_func) // key func needed to get the correct index of the arrow // change style of arrow that are not highlighted: the .exit group arrows.exit().transition() .duration(duration) .style("opacity", .1); // update all other arrows: arrows.transition().duration(duration) .style("opacity", 1) // UPDATE text style based on button press function fo_styling_exit(d){ if(environment == "CM") { // we are in CM mode return "#a7a7a7"; } else { return "#ebebeb";} }; function fo_styling_enter(d){ if(environment == "CM") { // we are in CM mode return "#f4f0f0"; } else { return "black";} }; var fos = d3.selectAll("foreignObject") .data(data_to_enter,key_func) // key func needed to get the correct index of the arrow // change style of arrow that are not highlighted: the .exit group fos.exit().transition() .duration(duration) .attr("fill",fo_styling_exit) .attr("color",fo_styling_exit) // update all other arrows: fos.transition().duration(duration) .attr("fill",fo_styling_enter) .attr("color",fo_styling_enter) }; // end of update function var categories = ["all","life events","education","professional"]; var buttons = d3.select("#content") .append("div") .attr("class","category_buttons") .selectAll("div") .data(categories) .enter() .append("div") .text(function(d){return d;}); buttons.on("click",function(d){ // first select all the buttons: d3.select(".category_buttons") .selectAll("div") .transition().duration(500) .style("background-color", "white") d3.select(this) //selects current element (which is button) .transition().duration(500) .style("background-color", "rgb(247, 230, 210)") update(d,500); cg = d; return cg; }); buttons.on("mouseover", function(d) {d3.select(this).style("cursor", "pointer")} ) .on("mouseout", function(d) {d3.select(this).style("cursor", "default")} ) // <!-- call functions here that interact with the curriculum --> // Functions that moves (and recolors) the whole lifeline depending on header click or mouse position --> var ease = "sin"; //"poly"//"linear" // "cubic", " var transitiondurationCVCM =2000; // is transition speed of the *moving* function changeElementColorCM(d3Element){ var curelement = d3.select("body"); var colour = d3.rgb(curelement.attr("style")); d3Element .style("background", colour) .transition().delay(500).duration(1500).ease(ease) // transition speed of background re-coloring .style("background", "grey") d3.select("body").select("#content").select("svg") .transition().duration(transitiondurationCVCM).ease(ease) .attr("viewBox", ""+.5*width+" 0 "+ .5*width+" "+height+"") d3.select("body").select("#content").select("svg").select("rect") .transition().duration(transitiondurationCVCM).ease(ease) .attr("color","white") .attr("fill","white") d3.selectAll("rect") .transition().duration(transitiondurationCVCM).ease(ease) .attr("color","white") .attr("fill", "white") d3.selectAll("path") .transition().duration(transitiondurationCVCM).ease(ease) .attr("stroke", "white") .attr("fill", "white") d3.selectAll("foreignObject") .transition().duration(transitiondurationCVCM).ease(ease) .attr("fill","white") .attr("color","white") d3.selectAll("text") .transition().duration(transitiondurationCVCM).ease(ease) .style("fill","gray") d3.select("body").select("#wrapper").select("#CVheader").select("#headerright") .transition().duration(transitiondurationCVCM).ease(ease) .style("color","white"); d3.select("body").select("#wrapper").select("#CVheader").select("#headerleft") .transition().duration(transitiondurationCVCM).ease(ease) .style("color","#a5a1a1"); environment = "CM"; console.log(environment) if (typeof cg !== 'undefined') { update(cg,2000) console.log(cg) } } // end of changeElementColorCM function changeElementColorCV(d3Element){ var curelement = d3.select("body"); var colour = d3.rgb(curelement.attr("style")); d3Element .style("background", colour) .transition().delay(500).duration(1500).ease(ease) // transition speed of background re-coloring .style("background", "white") d3.select("body").select("#content").select("svg") .transition().duration(transitiondurationCVCM).ease(ease) .attr("viewBox", "0 0 "+.52*width+" "+height+"") d3.select("body").select("#content").select("svg").select("rect") .transition().duration(transitiondurationCVCM).ease(ease) .attr("color","#716c6c") .attr("fill","#716c6c") d3.selectAll("rect") .transition().duration(transitiondurationCVCM).ease(ease) .attr("color","#716c6c") .attr("fill", "#716c6c") d3.selectAll("path") .transition().duration(transitiondurationCVCM).ease(ease) .attr("stroke", "#716c6c") .attr("fill", "#716c6c") d3.selectAll("foreignObject") .transition().duration(transitiondurationCVCM).ease(ease) .attr("fill","#716c6c") .attr("color","#716c6c") d3.selectAll("text") .transition().duration(transitiondurationCVCM).ease(ease) .style("fill","white") d3.select("body").select("#wrapper").select("#CVheader").select("#headerright") .transition().duration(transitiondurationCVCM).ease(ease) .style("color","#716c6c"); d3.select("body").select("#wrapper").select("#CVheader").select("#headerleft") .transition().duration(transitiondurationCVCM).ease(ease) .style("color","black"); environment = "CV"; console.log(environment) if (typeof cg !== 'undefined') { update(cg,2200) console.log(cg) } } // end of changeElementColorCV // Function that will give the position of cursor // and cause interactions with page at certain mouse positions: function GetcursorPos(p){ // PageX and PageY are position values // info.innerHTML = 'Position X : ' + p.pageX; var maxX = screen.width; var posX = p.pageX/maxX; // Get current screen (CV or CM), through background color: var curelement = d3.select("body"); var colour = d3.rgb(curelement.attr("style")); if(colour.r == 255) { // white, CV environment if(posX > .85) { changeElementColorCM(d3.select("body")); } if(posX <= .85) { changeElementColorCV(d3.select("body")); } } if(colour.r == 128) { // dark, CM environment if(posX < .15) { changeElementColorCV(d3.select("body")); } if(posX >= .15) { changeElementColorCM(d3.select("body")); } } } //End getcursorpos addEventListener('mousemove', GetcursorPos, false); // Set up button functionality of two header texts (CV and CM) var headerr = d3.select("#headerright"); headerr.on({ "mouseover": function(d) { d3.select(this).style("cursor", "pointer") }, "mouseout": function(d) { d3.select(this).style("cursor", "default") } }); var headerl = d3.select("#headerleft") headerl.on({ "mouseover": function(d) { d3.select(this).style("cursor", "pointer") }, "mouseout": function(d) { d3.select(this).style("cursor", "default") } }); //Here, the action after clicking the CV and CM button is defined: headerr.on("click", function() { console.log("you clicked the CM header") var curelement = d3.select("body"); var colour = d3.rgb(curelement.attr("style")); if(colour.r == 255) { changeElementColorCM(d3.select("body")); } }); headerl.on("click", function() { console.log("you clicked the CV header") var curelement = d3.select("body"); var colour = d3.rgb(curelement.attr("style")); if(colour.r == 128) { changeElementColorCV(d3.select("body")); } }); }; // end draw function </script> </head> <body style="style.background= rgb(255, 255, 255);"> <!-- <div id='info'></div>--> <div id="rotatediv"><p><br>Rotate device (or widen browser window) for better view</p></div> <!-- // Wrapper around full visualization --> <div id="wrapper"> <!-- // Header with CV and CM buttons --> <div id="CVheader" style="style.background= rgb(0, 0, 255);"> <h2 id="headerleft">Curriculum Vitae</h2> <h2 id="headerright" >Curriculum Mortem</h2> </div> <!-- // Life line with arrows and text --> <div id="content"> <script type="text/javascript"> // Reading data from CSV formatdate = d3.time.format("%m/%d/%y") function formatage(inputdate){ var birthdate = 1980 + 1/12*8; var age = inputdate.getFullYear() + 1/12*(inputdate.getMonth()+1) - birthdate ; return age; } d3.csv("CVCMdata.csv",function(d){ // transform the data here into needed variables d['date'] = formatdate.parse(d['date']); // to extract data format d['age'] = formatage(d['date']); d['arrowheight']=+d["arrowheight"]; // to make it from strings into numbers return d; },draw); </script> </div> <!-- #end of content --> <!-- // Footer with data details and credits --> <div id="footer"> Source: Data on past events collected throughout the years, future predictions made using <a href="https://fatefulday.eu" target="_blank">fatefulday.eu </a> | <a href="https://sara-maria.github.io/" target="_blank">Sara Maria 2016</a> </div> </div> <!-- #end of wrapper --> <script> // Javascript media query event handler to window size change if (matchMedia) { var mq = window.matchMedia("(min-width: 680px)"); mq.addListener(WidthChange); WidthChange(mq); var mqr = window.matchMedia("(orientation: portrait)"); mqr.addListener(RotationChange); RotationChange(mqr); }; // Javascript function for header button changes on window resize function WidthChange(mq) { if (mq.matches) { // window width is at least 660px var hr = document.getElementById("headerright"); hr.textContent = 'Curriculum Mortem' hr.style.width = "10em"; var hl = document.getElementById("headerleft"); hl.textContent = 'Curriculum Vitae'; hl.style.width = "9em"; } else { // window width is less than 660px var hr = document.getElementById("headerright"); hr.textContent = 'CM'; hr.style.width = "3.6em"; var hl = document.getElementById("headerleft"); hl.textContent = 'CV'; hl.style.width = "3.6em"; } }; // CATCH ROTATED SMART PHONES AND SCREENS // function RotationChange(mqr) { // If there are matches, we're in portrait if(mqr.matches) { // Portrait orientation console.log("rotated to portrait"); // document.getElementById("lifeline").style.background="rgb(0,0,255)" } else { // Landscape orientation console.log("rotated back to landscape"); // console.log(document.body.style.width); // debugger; // var w = 2*window.screen.availWidth; // var h = window.screen.availHeight; // //// document.body.style.width = "20*560px"; // document.getElementById("lifeline").style.background="rgb(0,255,0)"; 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