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badge test #2

major migration #3

a d3 pack

Student Services Circle Pack (draft)

Donut : IT System Costs

Fall 2012 Courses w/Big Waitlists

IT costs: donut and horizontal stack

Draft Account Summary

Aid Payments over Time

Charges - Awards Chord Diagram

Strategy Spaces

Strategic Management Project Pilots 2013-2014

major migration #4

major migration #2

Student Census (work in progress)

Multiple Majors Leaderboard

Hive Plot for Student Systems

Fall 2012 Enrollment Counts & Limits

Blocks by Reason

Issue Breakdown

Strategic Dilemmas

The current BGC ecosystem

d3 donuts and angular directives

Curriculum Exploration

angular and d3.csv

Undergraduate Major Disciplines that Co-Occur in Fall 2014

Back where I started


the enrollment cycle

partsankey interactive

Fall 2012 Enrollments in American Cultures Courses

Fall 2012 Enrollments in Reading & Composition Courses

Fall 2012 Enrollments in Popular Prerequisite Courses

IT costs: hierarchical bar

favorite API functions

stacked area data

a few of buttons

Bar Chart with update

Bar Chart

Rectangular adjacency matrix

Knowledge tree DSL