// lib_plot.js var setup_plot = function(plot_info) { var g = plot_info.global; g.angle_dom = [], g.angle_rng = []; axes_info = plot_info.axes; for (var axis_name in axes_info) { axis_info = axes_info[axis_name]; g.angle_dom.push(axis_name); g.angle_rng.push(axis_info.angle); } g.angle_f = d3.scale.ordinal().domain(g.angle_dom).range(g.angle_rng); var radii = [ g.inner_radius, g.outer_radius ] g.radius_f = d3.scale.linear().range(radii); g.color_f = d3.scale.category10(); g.transform = 'translate(' + g.x_off + ',' + g.y_off + ')'; g.svg = d3.select(g.selector + ' .chart') .append('svg') .attr('width', g.x_max) .attr('height', g.y_max) .append('g') .attr('transform', g.transform); // console.log('plot_info', plot_info); //T }; var degrees = function(radians) { return radians / Math.PI * 180 - 90; } var display_plot = function(plot_info) { var g = plot_info.global; // Set the radius domain. var index = function(d) { return d.index; }; var extent = d3.extent(g.nodes, index); g.radius_f.domain(extent); // Draw the axes. var transform = function(d) { return 'rotate(' + degrees( g.angle_f(d.key) ) + ')'; }; var x1 = g.radius_f(0) - 10; var x2 = function(d) { return g.radius_f(d.count) + 10; }; g.svg.selectAll('.axis') .data(g.nodesByType) .enter().append('line') .attr('class', 'axis') .attr('transform', transform) .attr('x1', x1) .attr('x2', x2); // Draw the links. var path_angle = function(d) { return g.angle_f(d.type); }; var path_radius = function(d) { return g.radius_f(d.node.index); }; g.svg.append('g') .attr('class', 'links') .selectAll('.link') .data(g.links) .enter().append('path') .attr('d', make_link().angle(path_angle).radius(path_radius) ) .attr('class', 'link') .on('mouseover', on_mouseover_link) .on('mouseout', on_mouseout); // Draw the nodes. Note that each node can have up to two connectors, // representing the source (outgoing) and target (incoming) links. var connectors = function(d) { return d.connectors; }; var cx = function(d) { return g.radius_f(d.node.index); }; var fill = function(d) { return g.color_f(d.packageName); }; var transform = function(d) { return 'rotate(' + degrees( g.angle_f(d.type) ) + ')'; }; g.svg.append('g') .attr('class', 'nodes') .selectAll('.node') .data(g.nodes) .enter().append('g') .attr('class', 'node') .style('fill', fill) .selectAll('ellipse') .data(connectors) .enter().append('ellipse') .attr('transform', transform) .attr('cx', cx) .attr('rx', 4) .attr('ry', 6) .on('mouseover', on_mouseover_node) .on('mouseout', on_mouseout); }; // main.js var snap = function(i) { return function() { return i; }; } var get_info = function(data_set, format) { var degree = Math.PI / 180, x_max = 700, x_off = x_max * 0.5, y_max = 700, y_off = y_max * 0.25; if (format === 'conv') { // "conventional" var a_off = 20, a_so = 0, a_st = (120 - a_off), a_to = -120, a_ts = (120 + a_off), i_rad = 25, o_rad = 300; } else { // "rectangular" var a_so = -45, a_st = 45, a_to = -135, a_ts = 135, i_rad = 25, o_rad = 350; } var info = { 'global': { 'selector': ( snap(data_set) )(), 'x_max': x_max, 'x_off': x_off, 'y_max': y_max, 'y_off': y_off, 'inner_radius': i_rad, 'outer_radius': o_rad }, 'axes': { 'source': { 'angle': degree * a_so }, 'source-target': { 'angle': degree * a_st }, 'target-source': { 'angle': degree * a_ts }, 'target': { 'angle': degree * a_to } } }; return info; }; var data_sets = { '#demo_2': 'studentSysHive.json' }; var info_sets = {}; for (var data_set in data_sets) { info_sets[data_set] = get_info(data_set, 'conv'); var func_f = function() { var info_set = info_sets[data_set]; var func = function(nodes) { prep_data(info_set, nodes); setup_mouse(info_set); display_plot(info_set); }; return func; }; setup_plot(info_sets[data_set]); d3.json(data_sets[data_set], func_f() ); } // lib_mouse.js var setup_mouse = function(plot_info) { var g = plot_info.global; // Initialize the info display. var default_precis, formatNumber = d3.format(',d'), indent = '  '; var notes = d3.select(g.selector + ' .notes') var precis = d3.select(g.selector + ' .precis') .text(default_precis = 'Showing ' + formatNumber(g.links.length) + ' dependencies among ' + formatNumber(g.nodes.length) + ' classes. Mouse over any node to see its data interface(s).'); on_mouseout = function() { // // Clear any highlighted nodes or links. g.svg.selectAll('.active_ib').classed('active_ib', false); g.svg.selectAll('.active_im').classed('active_im', false); g.svg.selectAll('.active_mo').classed('active_mo', false); notes.html(''); precis.text(default_precis); } on_mouseover_h = function(css_class, html_inp) { // // Helper for on_mouseover_{link,node}. if (!html_inp) return ''; if (css_class == 'ib') hdr = '

Sends data to:

'; else hdr = '

Receives data from:

'; return '' + hdr + html_inp + ''; }; on_mouseover_link = function(orig_link) { // // Highlight the link and connected nodes on mouseover. // // Mousing over a link should cause: // // the link to turn red // the nodes that it imports to turn green // the nodes that import it to turn blue // the sidebar to show consistent colors and text var trace = false; var link_mo = function(curr_link) { var result = curr_link === orig_link; // if (result) console.log('link_mo', curr_link, orig_link); //T return result; }; var node_ib = function(curr_node) { var curr_name = curr_node.node.name; var orig_name = orig_link.source.node.name; var result = curr_name === orig_name; if (trace && result) console.log('node_ib', curr_name, curr_node, orig_name, orig_link); //T return result; }; var node_im = function(curr_node) { var curr_name = curr_node.node.name; var orig_name = orig_link.target.node.name; var result = curr_name === orig_name; if (trace && result) console.log('node_im', curr_name, curr_node, orig_name, orig_link); //T return result; }; g.svg.selectAll('.link' ).classed('active_mo', link_mo); g.svg.selectAll('.node ellipse').classed('active_ib', node_ib); g.svg.selectAll('.node ellipse').classed('active_im', node_im); var src_name = orig_link.source.node.name; var tgt_name = orig_link.target.node.name; var html_ib = on_mouseover_h('ib', src_name); var html_im = on_mouseover_h('im', tgt_name); var html = '


' + html_ib + html_im; notes.html(html); precis.text(src_name + ' -> ' + tgt_name); } on_mouseover_node = function(orig_node) { // // Highlight the node and connected links on mouseover. // // Mousing over a node should cause: // // the node (and its clone, if any) to turn red // the links and nodes that it imports to turn green // the links and nodes that import it to turn blue // the sidebar to show consistent colors and text var trace = false; var link_ib = function(curr_link) { var curr_name = curr_link.target.node.name; var orig_name = orig_node.node.name; var result = curr_name === orig_name; if (trace && result) console.log('link_ib', curr_name, curr_link, orig_name, orig_node); //T return result; }; var link_im = function(curr_link) { var curr_name = curr_link.source.node.name; var orig_name = orig_node.node.name; var result = curr_name === orig_name; if (trace && result) console.log('link_im', curr_link, orig_node); //T return result; }; var node_ib = function(curr_node) { var curr_name = curr_node.node.name; var orig_name = orig_node.node.name; var curr_tgts = g.targets[curr_name]; var result = false; if (curr_tgts) { for (curr_tgt in curr_tgts) if (curr_tgt === orig_name) result = 'target'; } if (trace && result) console.log('node_ib', curr_name, curr_node, orig_name, orig_node, curr_tgts, result); //T return result; }; var node_im = function(curr_node) { var curr_name = curr_node.node.name; var orig_name = orig_node.node.name; var curr_srcs = g.sources[curr_name]; var result = false; if (curr_srcs) { for (curr_src in curr_srcs) if (curr_src === orig_name) result = 'source'; } if (trace && result) console.log('node_im', curr_name, curr_node, orig_name, orig_node, curr_srcs, result); //T return result; }; var node_mo = function(curr_node) { var curr_name = curr_node.node.name; var orig_name = orig_node.node.name; var result = false; if (curr_name === orig_name) result = 'same or clone'; if (trace && result) console.log('node_mo', curr_name, curr_node, orig_name, orig_node, result); //T return result; }; g.svg.selectAll('.link' ).classed('active_ib', link_ib); g.svg.selectAll('.link' ).classed('active_im', link_im); g.svg.selectAll('.node ellipse' ).classed('active_ib', node_ib); g.svg.selectAll('.node ellipse' ).classed('active_im', node_im); g.svg.selectAll('.node ellipse' ).classed('active_mo', node_mo); var src_tmp = g.sources[orig_node.node.name]; var sources = src_tmp ? Object.keys(src_tmp).sort().join('
') : ''; var targets = orig_node.node.imports.sort().join('
'); var html_ib = on_mouseover_h('ib', sources); var html_im = on_mouseover_h('im', targets); var html = '


' + '' + orig_node.node.name + '' + html_ib + html_im; notes.html(html); precis.text(orig_node.node.name); } }; // lib_link.js // // A shape generator for Hive links, based on a source and a target. // The source and target are defined in polar coordinates (angle and radius). // Ratio links can also be drawn by using a startRadius and endRadius. // This class is modeled after d3.svg.chord. function make_link() { var source = function(d) { return d.source; }, target = function(d) { return d.target; }, angle = function(d) { return d.angle; }, startRadius = function(d) { return d.radius; }, endRadius = startRadius, arcOffset = -Math.PI / 2; function link(d, i) { var s = node(source, this, d, i), t = node(target, this, d, i), x; d.ib_edge = t.a < s.a; if (d.ib_edge) x = t, t = s, s = x; if (t.a - s.a > Math.PI) s.a += 2 * Math.PI; var a1 = s.a + (t.a - s.a) / 3, a2 = t.a - (t.a - s.a) / 3, cos_a1 = Math.cos(a1), sin_a1 = Math.sin(a1), cos_a2 = Math.cos(a2), sin_a2 = Math.sin(a2), cos_sa = Math.cos(s.a), sin_sa = Math.sin(s.a), cos_ta = Math.cos(t.a), sin_ta = Math.sin(t.a); if (s.r0 - s.r1 || t.r0 - t.r1) { return 'M' + cos_sa * s.r0 + ',' + sin_sa * s.r0 + 'L' + cos_sa * s.r1 + ',' + sin_sa * s.r1 + 'C' + cos_a1 * s.r1 + ',' + sin_a1 * s.r1 + ' ' + cos_a2 * t.r1 + ',' + sin_a2 * t.r1 + ' ' + cos_ta * t.r1 + ',' + sin_ta * t.r1 + 'L' + cos_ta * t.r0 + ',' + sin_ta * t.r0 + 'C' + cos_a2 * t.r0 + ',' + sin_a2 * t.r0 + ' ' + cos_a1 * s.r0 + ',' + sin_a1 * s.r0 + ' ' + cos_sa * s.r0 + ',' + sin_sa * s.r0; } else { return 'M' + cos_sa * s.r0 + ',' + sin_sa * s.r0 + 'C' + cos_a1 * s.r1 + ',' + sin_a1 * s.r1 + ' ' + cos_a2 * t.r1 + ',' + sin_a2 * t.r1 + ' ' + cos_ta * t.r1 + ',' + sin_ta * t.r1; } } function node(method, thiz, d, i) { var node = method.call(thiz, d, i), a = +(typeof angle === 'function' ? angle.call(thiz, node, i) : angle) + arcOffset, r0 = +(typeof startRadius === 'function' ? startRadius.call(thiz, node, i) : startRadius), r1t = +(typeof endRadius === 'function' ? endRadius.call(thiz, node, i) : endRadius), r1 = startRadius === endRadius ? r0 : r1t; return { r0: r0, r1: r1, a: a }; } function make_func(object, method) { eval(object + '.' + method + "= function(_) {\n" + ' if (!arguments.length) return ' + method + ";\n" + ' ' + method + "= _;\n" + ' return ' + object + ";\n};\n" ); } make_func('link', 'source'); make_func('link', 'target'); make_func('link', 'angle'); make_func('link', 'startRadius'); make_func('link', 'endRadius'); link.radius = function(_) { if (!arguments.length) return startRadius; startRadius = endRadius = _; return link; }; return link; } // lib_data.js var prep_data = function(plot_info, nodes) { var g = plot_info.global g.nodes = nodes; /* The input data file, flare-imports.json, is firmly rooted in the problem domain. It uses a list of hashes (aka objects) to define a directed graph. Each hash defines a software module, giving its name, size, and a list of names for modules it imports. g.nodes = [ { "name": "flare.analytics.cluster.AgglomerativeCluster", "size": 3938, "imports": [ "flare.animate.Transitioner", ... ] }, ... ]; */ var check_nodes = function(nodes) { var defined = {}; for (var i=0; i, ... ], "imports": [ "flare.animate.Transition", ... ], "index": 17, "name": "flare.animate.Pause", "packageName": "animate", "size": 449, "source": , "target": , "type": "target-source" }, ... }; */ var index_by_node_name = function(d) { d.connectors = []; d.packageName = d.name.split('.')[1]; g.nodesByName[d.name] = d; }; g.nodesByName = {}; g.nodes.forEach(index_by_node_name); /* Convert the import lists into links with sources and targets. Save index hashes for looking up sources and targets. g.links = [ { "source": { "degree": 0, "node": , "type": "source" }, "target": { "degree": 0, "node": , "type": "source-target" }, ... ]; g.sources = { : , ... } g.targets = { : , ... } */ var do_source = function(source) { var do_target = function(targetName) { var target = g.nodesByName[targetName]; if (!source.source) { source.source = { node: source, degree: 0 }; source.connectors.push(source.source); } if (!target.target) { target.target = { node: target, degree: 0 }; target.connectors.push(target.target); } g.links.push( { source: source.source, target: target.target } ); if ( !g.sources[targetName] ) g.sources[targetName] = {}; g.sources[targetName][source.name] = true; if ( !g.targets[source.name] ) g.targets[source.name] = {}; g.targets[source.name][targetName] = true; } source.imports.forEach(do_target); }; g.links = []; g.sources = {}; g.targets = {}; nodes.forEach(do_source); // Determine the type of each node, based on incoming and outgoing links. var node_type = function(node) { if (node.source && node.target) { node.type = node.source.type = 'target-source'; node.target.type = 'source-target'; } else if (node.source) { node.type = node.source.type = 'source'; } else if (node.target) { node.type = node.target.type = 'target'; } else { node.connectors = [{ node: node }]; node.type = 'source'; } }; nodes.forEach(node_type); /* Nest nodes by type, for computing the rank. Normally, Hive Plots sort nodes by degree along each axis. However, since this example visualizes a package hierarchy, we get more interesting results if we group nodes by package. We don't need to sort explicitly because the data file is already sorted by class name. g.nodesByType = [ { "count": 80, "key": "source", "values": [ , ... ] }, ... ] */ g.nodesByType = d3.nest() .key(function(d) { return d.type; }) .sortKeys(d3.ascending) .entries(nodes); // Duplicate the target-source axis as source-target. g.nodesByType.push({ key: 'source-target', values: g.nodesByType[2].values }); // Compute the rank for each type, with padding between packages. var type_rank = function(type) { var count = 0, lastName = type.values[0].packageName; var node_rank = function(d, i) { if (d.packageName != lastName) { lastName = d.packageName; count += 2; } d.index = count++; }; type.values.forEach(node_rank); type.count = count - 1; }; g.nodesByType.forEach(type_rank); // Console logging calls. if (false) { console.log('g.links', g.links); //T console.log('g.nodes', g.nodes); //T console.log('g.nodesByType', g.nodesByType); //T console.log('g.nodesByName', g.nodesByName); //T console.log('g.sources', g.sources); //T } };