const main_svg ="#main svg.aperture").attr("class", "zoom") , mini_svg ="#mini svg").append("g").attr("class", "zoom") // store the image's initial viewBox , viewbox = main_svg.attr("viewBox").split(' ').map(d => +d) , extent = [ [viewbox[0], viewbox[1]] , [(viewbox[2] - viewbox[0]), (viewbox[3] - viewbox[1])] ] , brush = d3.brush() .extent(extent) .on("brush", brushed) , zoom = d3.zoom().scaleExtent([0.05, 1]).on("zoom", zoomed) ; // Apply the brush to the minimap, and also apply the zoom behavior here mini_svg .call(brush) .call(brush.move, brush.extent()) .call(zoom) ; // Apply the zoom behavior to the main svg main_svg .call(zoom) ; function brushed() { // Ignore brush-via-zoom if (d3.event.sourceEvent && d3.event.sourceEvent.type === "zoom") return; let sel = d3.event.selection , vb = sel ? [sel[0][0], sel[0][1], (sel[1][0] - sel[0][0]), (sel[1][1] - sel[0][1])] : viewbox , k = vb[3] / viewbox[3] , t = d3.zoomIdentity.translate(vb[0], vb[1]).scale(k) ; mini_svg .property("__zoom", t) ; main_svg .attr("viewBox", vb.join(' ')) .property("__zoom", t) ; } // brushed() function zoomed() { // If the zoom input was on the minimap, forward it to the main SVG if(this === mini_svg.node()) { return, d3.event.transform); } // Ignore zoom via brush if(!d3.event.sourceEvent || d3.event.sourceEvent.type === "brush") return; // Process the zoom event on the main SVG let t = d3.event.transform; t.x = t.x < viewbox[0] ? viewbox[0] : t.x; t.x = t.x > viewbox[2] ? viewbox[2] : t.x; t.y = t.y < viewbox[1] ? viewbox[1] : t.y; t.y = t.y > viewbox[3] ? viewbox[3] : t.y; if(t.k === 1) t.x = t.y = 0; const vb = [t.x, t.y, viewbox[2] * t.k, viewbox[3] * t.k]; main_svg.attr("viewBox", vb.join(' ')); mini_svg .property("__zoom", t) .call( brush.move , [[t.x, t.y], [t.x + vb[2], t.y + vb[3]]] ) ; } // zoomed()