Old school D3 from simpler times
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A Pen by Jon Brennecke.
<!-- sorry for all the ugly html but shaders are impossible in Jade without the include function, which obviously doesn't work in CodePen. checkout github.com/jonbrennecke/portland-demo for a better way to do this with Jade's include statements! --> <div class="page-wrap"><div class="page"><div id="canvas-wrap"></div><div class="textbox-wrap"><div class="blurred"></div><div class="textbox"><h1 class="fa fa-map-marker"></h1><h1>Hello, Portland.</h1><p>I'm moving to Portland soon, and I'd like to connect with other developers and designers. Do you represent a business in Portland? Are you looking for a talented front end engineer? I'd love to get in touch. </p><p>Shoot me an email for a copy of my resume. I look forward to hearing from you.</p><div class="social-links"><a href="https://github.com/jonbrennecke" target="_blank" class="fa fa-github-alt"></a><a href="https://codepen.io/jonbrennecke" target="_blank" class="fa fa-codepen"></a><a href="mailto:jpbrennecke@gmail.com" target="_blank" class="fa fa-envelope-o"></a><a href="https://twitter.com/jonbrennecke" target="_blank" class="fa fa-twitter"></a></div></div></div></div></div> <div class="shaders"> <!-- GLSL SHADERS ************** HERE THERE BY MONSTERS! --> <script id="basic" type="x-shader/x-vertex"> /* basic vertex shader */ varying vec2 vUv; void main() { vUv = vec2( uv.x, uv.y ); gl_Position = projectionMatrix * modelViewMatrix * vec4( position, 1.0 ); } </script> <script id="depth" type="x-shader/x-fragment"> /* Basic Depth of Field shader based off some much better DoF shaders: https://github.com/mrdoob/three.js/issues/3182 https://blenderartists.org/forum/showthread.php?237488-GLSL-depth-of-field-with-bokeh-v2-4-(update) https://jabtunes.com/labs/3d/dof/webgl_postprocessing_dof2.html */ #define PI 3.1415926 uniform sampler2D tDepth; // depth buffer uniform sampler2D tRender; // render buffer uniform float znear; // camera clipping near plane uniform float zfar; // camera clipping far plane uniform vec2 iResolution; // screen resolution uniform float focalLength; // camera focal length uniform float focalDepth; // camera focal depth uniform float fstop; // camera fstop uniform float dithering; // amount of dithering uniform float maxblur; // maximum amount of blur uniform float threshold; // highlight threshold; uniform float gain; // highlight gain; uniform float bias; // bokeh edge bias uniform float fringe; // bokeh chromatic aberration / fringing, varying vec2 vUv; // uv coords // constants TODO should be const-qualified vec2 texel = vec2(1.0/iResolution.x,1.0/iResolution.y); float dbsize = 1.25; // depth blur size const float CoC = 0.03; //circle of confusion size in mm (35mm film = 0.03mm) const int rings = 3; const int samples = 4; const int maxringsamples = rings * samples; // generating noise / pattern texture for dithering vec2 rand(vec2 coord) { float noiseX = ((fract(1.0-coord.s*(iResolution.x/2.0))*0.25)+(fract(coord.t*(iResolution.y/2.0))*0.75))*2.0-1.0; float noiseY = ((fract(1.0-coord.s*(iResolution.x/2.0))*0.75)+(fract(coord.t*(iResolution.y/2.0))*0.25))*2.0-1.0; // if (noise) { // noiseX = clamp(fract(sin(dot(coord ,vec2(12.9898,78.233))) * 43758.5453),0.0,1.0)*2.0-1.0; // noiseY = clamp(fract(sin(dot(coord ,vec2(12.9898,78.233)*2.0)) * 43758.5453),0.0,1.0)*2.0-1.0; // } return vec2(noiseX,noiseY); } // Depth buffer blur // calculate the depth from a given set of coordinates float bdepth(vec2 coords) { float d = 0.0, kernel[9]; vec2 offset[9], wh = vec2(texel.x, texel.y) * dbsize; offset[0] = vec2(-wh.x,-wh.y); offset[1] = vec2( 0.0, -wh.y); offset[2] = vec2( wh.x -wh.y); offset[3] = vec2(-wh.x, 0.0); offset[4] = vec2( 0.0, 0.0); offset[5] = vec2( wh.x, 0.0); offset[6] = vec2(-wh.x, wh.y); offset[7] = vec2( 0.0, wh.y); offset[8] = vec2( wh.x, wh.y); kernel[0] = 1.0/16.0; kernel[1] = 2.0/16.0; kernel[2] = 1.0/16.0; kernel[3] = 2.0/16.0; kernel[4] = 4.0/16.0; kernel[5] = 2.0/16.0; kernel[6] = 1.0/16.0; kernel[7] = 2.0/16.0; kernel[8] = 1.0/16.0; for( int i=0; i<9; i++ ) { float tmp = texture2D(tDepth, coords + offset[i]).r; d += tmp * kernel[i]; } return d; } // processing the sample vec3 color(vec2 coords,float blur) { vec3 col = vec3(0.0); // read from the render buffer at an offset col.r = texture2D(tRender,coords + vec2(0.0,1.0)*texel*fringe*blur).r; col.g = texture2D(tRender,coords + vec2(-0.866,-0.5)*texel*fringe*blur).g; col.b = texture2D(tRender,coords + vec2(0.866,-0.5)*texel*fringe*blur).b; vec3 lumcoeff = vec3(0.299,0.587,0.114); // arbitrary numbers??? float lum = dot(col.rgb, lumcoeff); float thresh = max((lum-threshold)*gain, 0.0); return col+mix(vec3(0.0),col,thresh*blur); } float gather(float i, float j, int ringsamples, inout vec3 col, float w, float h, float blur) { float rings2 = float(rings); float step = PI*2.0 / float(ringsamples); float pw = cos(j*step)*i; float ph = sin(j*step)*i; float p = 1.0; col += color(vUv.xy + vec2(pw*w,ph*h), blur) * mix(1.0, i/rings2, bias) * p; return 1.0 * mix(1.0, i /rings2, bias) * p; } float linearize(float depth) { return -zfar * znear / (depth * (zfar - znear) - zfar); } void main(void) { float depth = linearize(bdepth(vUv.xy)); float f = focalLength; // focal length in mm, float d = focalDepth*1000.0; // focal plane in mm, float o = depth*1000.0; // depth in mm, float a = (o*f)/(o-f); float b = (d*f)/(d-f); float c = (d-f)/(d*fstop*CoC); float blur = clamp(abs(a-b)*c,0.0,1.0); // calculation of pattern for dithering vec2 noise = rand(vUv.xy)*dithering*blur; // getting blur x and y step factor float w = (1.0/iResolution.x)*blur*maxblur+noise.x; float h = (1.0/iResolution.y)*blur*maxblur+noise.y; // calculation of final color, vec3 col = texture2D(tRender, vUv.xy).rgb; if ( blur >= 0.05 ) { float s = 1.0; int ringsamples; for (int i = 1; i <= rings; i++) { ringsamples = i * samples; for (int j = 0 ; j < maxringsamples ; j++) { if (j >= ringsamples) break; s += gather(float(i), float(j), ringsamples, col, w, h, blur); } } col /= s; //divide by sample count } gl_FragColor = vec4(col,1.0); } </script> <script id="mapfs" type="x-shader/x-fragment"> uniform sampler2D tElevation, tSatellite; uniform vec3 pointLightColor[MAX_POINT_LIGHTS]; uniform vec3 pointLightPosition[MAX_POINT_LIGHTS]; uniform float pointLightIntensity[MAX_POINT_LIGHTS]; varying vec2 vUv; varying vec3 vertPos, vNormal, vTangent, vBinormal, vElev; const float specIntensity = 1.0; void main() { vec4 color = texture2D(tSatellite,vUv); // convert the normal maps (in tangent-space) to eye-space vec3 tanNormal = normalize( (vTangent * vElev.x) + (vBinormal * vElev.y) + (vNormal * vElev.z) ); vec4 sumLights = vec4(0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0); for( int i = 0; i < MAX_POINT_LIGHTS; ++i) { vec3 lightDir = normalize(pointLightPosition[i]-vertPos); vec3 reflectDir = reflect( -lightDir, tanNormal); vec3 viewDir = normalize( - vertPos ); float lambertian = max( dot( lightDir, vNormal ), 0.1 ); float specular; if( lambertian > 0.0 ) { float specAngle = max( dot( reflectDir, viewDir ), 0.01 ); specular = pow(specAngle, 4.0); } sumLights.rgb += clamp(lambertian * color.xyz + specular * pointLightColor[i] * pointLightIntensity[i],0.0,1.0); } gl_FragColor = sumLights; } </script> <script id="mapvs" type="x-shader/x-vertex"> uniform sampler2D tElevation, tSatellite; uniform vec2 iTexResolution; uniform float heightIntensity; varying vec2 vUv; varying vec3 vertPos, vNormal, vTangent, vBinormal, vElev; void main() { vUv = uv; // the elevation is already a normal map, yay! vec3 norm = normalize(texture2D(tElevation, vUv).rgb); vNormal = normalize( normalMatrix * norm ); vTangent = normalize( normalMatrix * position ); vBinormal = normalize( cross( norm, vTangent ) ); // deform mesh by the distance from the edge gl_Position = projectionMatrix * modelViewMatrix * vec4( norm * normal + position, 1.0 ); vertPos = (modelViewMatrix * vec4( norm * normal + position, 1.0)).xyz; } </script> </div>