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CSS bar charts in 2018

This is an example of what you should be able to do once the major browsers implement some seriously cool features in the CSS3 draft spec as of April, 2016:

  1. CSS variables, using the --name: value assignment and var(--name) accessor syntax. (Already implemented by Chrome, Firefox, and Webkit!)
  2. CSS3 calc(), which gives us calculated values between different units, e.g. subtracting a value in px or em from a percentage. (Partially implemented in Chrome, Firefox, and Safari.)
  3. CSS3 attr(), which grants the function the ability to parse values in specific units in the form attr(attr-name units). (Not yet implemented in any major browser.)

Together, these features would enable us to use HTML element attribute values as the basis for calculated values in CSS on a per-element basis, and define (then change) which property the values are applied to. This would open up possibilities for more data-driven design entirely in CSS, without the need for JavaScript.

Note: I've used the x- prefix to denote HTML custom elements, which are a great way to simplify your markup, encapsulate your CSS, and extend the DOM element API via JavaScript. You could just as easily HTML5 elements or classes, though.