/* * A very primitive tab system based on ARIA roles: * http://www.w3.org/TR/wai-aria/roles * * This is heavily inspired by Heydon Pickering's Practical ARIA Examples: * http://heydonworks.com/practical_aria_examples/ * * Your markup should look something like this: * *
* * *
Panel 1
Panel 2
Panel 3
*/ d3.selectAll("*[role='tablist']") .each(function() { // grab all of the tabs and panels var tabs = d3.select(this).selectAll("*[role='tab'][href]") .datum(function() { var href = this.href, target = document.getElementById(href.split("#").pop()); return { selected: this.getAttribute("aria-selected") === "true", target: target }; }), targets = tabs.data() .map(function(d) { return d.target; }), panels = d3.selectAll("*[role='tabpanel']") .filter(function() { return targets.indexOf(this) > -1; }) .datum(function(d) { return d || {selected: false}; }); // when a tab is clicked, update the panels tabs.on("click.tab", function(d) { d3.event.preventDefault(); tabs.each(function(tab) { tab.selected = false; }); d.selected = true; update(); }); // update them to start update(); function update() { var selected; tabs .attr("aria-selected", function(tab) { if (tab.selected) selected = tab.target; return tab.selected; }); panels .attr("aria-hidden", function(panel) { panel.selected = (selected === this); return !panel.selected; }) .style("display", function(d) { return d.selected ? null : "none"; }); } });