const urls = { // source: // source: map: "states-albers-10m.json", // source: airports: "", // source: flights: "" }; const svg ="svg"); const width = parseInt(svg.attr("width")); const height = parseInt(svg.attr("height")); const hypotenuse = Math.sqrt(width * width + height * height); // must be hard-coded to match our topojson projection // source: const projection = d3.geoAlbers().scale(1280).translate([480, 300]); const scales = { // used to scale airport bubbles airports: d3.scaleSqrt() .range([4, 18]), // used to scale number of segments per line segments: d3.scaleLinear() .domain([0, hypotenuse]) .range([1, 10]) }; // have these already created for easier drawing const g = { basemap:"g#basemap"), flights:"g#flights"), airports:"g#airports"), voronoi:"g#voronoi") }; console.assert(g.basemap.size() === 1); console.assert( === 1); console.assert(g.airports.size() === 1); console.assert(g.voronoi.size() === 1); const tooltip ="text#tooltip"); console.assert(tooltip.size() === 1); // load and draw base map d3.json(; // load the airport and flight data together const promises = [ d3.csv(urls.airports, typeAirport), d3.csv(, typeFlight) ]; Promise.all(promises).then(processData); // process airport and flight data function processData(values) { console.assert(values.length === 2); let airports = values[0]; let flights = values[1]; console.log("airports: " + airports.length); console.log(" flights: " + flights.length); // convert airports array (pre filter) into map for fast lookup let iata = new Map( => [node.iata, node])); // calculate incoming and outgoing degree based on flights // flights are given by airport iata code (not index) flights.forEach(function(link) { link.source = iata.get(link.origin); = iata.get(link.destination); link.source.outgoing += link.count; += link.count; }); // remove airports out of bounds let old = airports.length; airports = airports.filter(airport => airport.x >= 0 && airport.y >= 0); console.log(" removed: " + (old - airports.length) + " airports out of bounds"); // remove airports with NA state old = airports.length; airports = airports.filter(airport => airport.state !== "NA"); console.log(" removed: " + (old - airports.length) + " airports with NA state"); // remove airports without any flights old = airports.length; airports = airports.filter(airport => airport.outgoing > 0 && airport.incoming > 0); console.log(" removed: " + (old - airports.length) + " airports without flights"); // sort airports by outgoing degree airports.sort((a, b) => d3.descending(a.outgoing, b.outgoing)); // keep only the top airports old = airports.length; airports = airports.slice(0, 50); console.log(" removed: " + (old - airports.length) + " airports with low outgoing degree"); // done filtering airports can draw drawAirports(airports); drawPolygons(airports); // reset map to only include airports post-filter iata = new Map( => [node.iata, node])); // filter out flights that are not between airports we have leftover old = flights.length; flights = flights.filter(link => iata.has(link.source.iata) && iata.has(; console.log(" removed: " + (old - flights.length) + " flights"); // done filtering flights can draw drawFlights(airports, flights); console.log({airports: airports}); console.log({flights: flights}); } // draws the underlying map function drawMap(map) { // remove non-continental states map.objects.states.geometries = map.objects.states.geometries.filter(isContinental); // run topojson on remaining states and adjust projection let land = topojson.merge(map, map.objects.states.geometries); // use null projection; data is already projected let path = d3.geoPath(); // draw base map g.basemap.append("path") .datum(land) .attr("class", "land") .attr("d", path); // draw interior borders g.basemap.append("path") .datum(topojson.mesh(map, map.objects.states, (a, b) => a !== b)) .attr("class", "border interior") .attr("d", path); // draw exterior borders g.basemap.append("path") .datum(topojson.mesh(map, map.objects.states, (a, b) => a === b)) .attr("class", "border exterior") .attr("d", path); } function drawAirports(airports) { // adjust scale const extent = d3.extent(airports, d => d.outgoing); scales.airports.domain(extent); // draw airport bubbles g.airports.selectAll("circle.airport") .data(airports, d => d.iata) .enter() .append("circle") .attr("r", d => scales.airports(d.outgoing)) .attr("cx", d => d.x) // calculated on load .attr("cy", d => d.y) // calculated on load .attr("class", "airport") .each(function(d) { // adds the circle object to our airport // makes it fast to select airports on hover d.bubble = this; }); } function drawPolygons(airports) { // convert array of airports into geojson format const geojson = { return { type: "Feature", properties: airport, geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [airport.longitude, airport.latitude] } }; }); // calculate voronoi polygons const polygons = d3.geoVoronoi().polygons(geojson); console.log(polygons); g.voronoi.selectAll("path") .data(polygons.features) .enter() .append("path") .attr("d", d3.geoPath(projection)) .attr("class", "voronoi") .on("mouseover", function(d) { let airport =; .classed("highlight", true); d3.selectAll( .classed("highlight", true) .raise(); // make tooltip take up space but keep it invisible"display", null);"visibility", "hidden"); // set default tooltip positioning tooltip.attr("text-anchor", "middle"); tooltip.attr("dy", -scales.airports(airport.outgoing) - 4); tooltip.attr("x", airport.x); tooltip.attr("y", airport.y); // set the tooltip text tooltip.text( + " in " + + ", " + airport.state); // double check if the anchor needs to be changed let bbox = tooltip.node().getBBox(); if (bbox.x <= 0) { tooltip.attr("text-anchor", "start"); } else if (bbox.x + bbox.width >= width) { tooltip.attr("text-anchor", "end"); }"visibility", "visible"); }) .on("mouseout", function(d) { let airport =; .classed("highlight", false); d3.selectAll( .classed("highlight", false);"text#tooltip").style("visibility", "hidden"); }) .on("dblclick", function(d) { // toggle voronoi outline let toggle ="highlight");"highlight", !toggle); }); } function drawFlights(airports, flights) { // break each flight between airports into multiple segments let bundle = generateSegments(airports, flights); // let line = d3.line() .curve(d3.curveBundle) .x(airport => airport.x) .y(airport => airport.y); let links ="path.flight") .data(bundle.paths) .enter() .append("path") .attr("d", line) .attr("class", "flight") .each(function(d) { // adds the path object to our source airport // makes it fast to select outgoing paths d[0].flights.push(this); }); // let layout = d3.forceSimulation() // settle at a layout faster .alphaDecay(0.1) // nearby nodes attract each other .force("charge", d3.forceManyBody() .strength(10) .distanceMax(scales.airports.range()[1] * 2) ) // edges want to be as short as possible // prevents too much stretching .force("link", d3.forceLink() .strength(0.7) .distance(0) ) .on("tick", function(d) { links.attr("d", line); }) .on("end", function(d) { console.log("layout complete"); }); layout.nodes(bundle.nodes).force("link").links(bundle.links); } // Turns a single edge into several segments that can // be used for simple edge bundling. function generateSegments(nodes, links) { // generate separate graph for edge bundling // nodes: all nodes including control nodes // links: all individual segments (source to target) // paths: all segments combined into single path for drawing let bundle = {nodes: [], links: [], paths: []}; // make existing nodes fixed bundle.nodes =, i) { d.fx = d.x; d.fy = d.y; return d; }); links.forEach(function(d, i) { // calculate the distance between the source and target let length = distance(d.source,; // calculate total number of inner nodes for this link let total = Math.round(scales.segments(length)); // create scales from source to target let xscale = d3.scaleLinear() .domain([0, total + 1]) // source, inner nodes, target .range([d.source.x,]); let yscale = d3.scaleLinear() .domain([0, total + 1]) .range([d.source.y,]); // initialize source node let source = d.source; let target = null; // add all points to local path let local = [source]; for (let j = 1; j <= total; j++) { // calculate target node target = { x: xscale(j), y: yscale(j) }; local.push(target); bundle.nodes.push(target); bundle.links.push({ source: source, target: target }); source = target; } local.push(; // add last link to target node bundle.links.push({ source: target, target: }); bundle.paths.push(local); }); return bundle; } // determines which states belong to the continental united states // function isContinental(state) { const id = parseInt(; return id < 60 && id !== 2 && id !== 15; } // see airports.csv // convert gps coordinates to number and init degree function typeAirport(airport) { airport.longitude = parseFloat(airport.longitude); airport.latitude = parseFloat(airport.latitude); // use projection hard-coded to match topojson data const coords = projection([airport.longitude, airport.latitude]); airport.x = coords[0]; airport.y = coords[1]; airport.outgoing = 0; // eventually tracks number of outgoing flights airport.incoming = 0; // eventually tracks number of incoming flights = []; // eventually tracks outgoing flights return airport; } // see flights.csv // convert count to number function typeFlight(flight) { flight.count = parseInt(flight.count); return flight; } // calculates the distance between two nodes // sqrt( (x2 - x1)^2 + (y2 - y1)^2 ) function distance(source, target) { const dx2 = Math.pow(target.x - source.x, 2); const dy2 = Math.pow(target.y - source.y, 2); return Math.sqrt(dx2 + dy2); }