Demonstrates some graph layouts on the Coauthorship in Network Science network in D3.js version 5.
Used NetworkX to convert the GML files into JSON, and calculate some basic node metrics.
See the following Gist for more information about the dataset used in these examples:
The following D3.js APIs may be useful:
The following bl.ocks served as inspiration for these examples:
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>Graph Demo</title>
<link href=",900|Source+Code+Pro:300" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css">
<h2>Coauthorship in Network Science</h2>
<a href="layout-circle.html">
<img src="thumbnail-circle.png" width=300>
<a href="layout-bundle.html">
<img src="thumbnail-bundle.png" width=300>
<a href="layout-force.html">
<img src="thumbnail-force.png" width=300>
<a href="layout-arc.html">
<img src="thumbnail-arc.png" height=300>
<b>Data:</b> M. E. J. Newman, Finding Community Structure in Networks using the Eigenvectors of Matrices, Preprint Physics/0605087 (2006).
[<a href="">Data</a>]
[<a href="">Paper</a>]