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d3.lasso example - scatterplot
<html> <head> <script src="https://d3js.org/d3.v4.min.js"></script> <script src="./d3-lasso.min.js"></script> <style> circle { fill-opacity: 0.5; } .lasso path { stroke: rgb(80,80,80); stroke-width:2px; } .lasso .drawn { fill-opacity:.05 ; } .lasso .loop_close { fill:none; stroke-dasharray: 4,4; } .lasso .origin { fill:#3399FF; fill-opacity:.5; } .not_possible { fill: rgb(200,200,200); } .possible { fill: #EC888C; } .selected { fill: steelblue; } </style> </head> <body> <script> var data = new Array(100).fill(null).map(m=>[Math.random(),Math.random()]); var w = 960; var h = 500; var r = 3.5; var svg = d3.select("body").append("svg") .attr("width",w) .attr("height",h); var circles = svg.selectAll("circle") .data(data) .enter() .append("circle") .attr("cx",d=>d[0]*w) .attr("cy",d=>d[1]*h) .attr("r",r); // Lasso functions var lasso_start = function() { lasso.items() .attr("r",3.5) // reset size .classed("not_possible",true) .classed("selected",false); }; var lasso_draw = function() { // Style the possible dots lasso.possibleItems() .classed("not_possible",false) .classed("possible",true); // Style the not possible dot lasso.notPossibleItems() .classed("not_possible",true) .classed("possible",false); }; var lasso_end = function() { // Reset the color of all dots lasso.items() .classed("not_possible",false) .classed("possible",false); // Style the selected dots lasso.selectedItems() .classed("selected",true) .attr("r",7); // Reset the style of the not selected dots lasso.notSelectedItems() .attr("r",3.5); }; var lasso = d3.lasso() .closePathSelect(true) .closePathDistance(100) .items(circles) .targetArea(svg) .on("start",lasso_start) .on("draw",lasso_draw) .on("end",lasso_end); svg.call(lasso); </script> </body> </html>