d3.layout.narrative = function(){
The constructor takes no arguements. All relevant object properties should be set using the setter functions.
d3.layout.narrative = function(){
jLouvian is a open source (MIT) javascript implementation of the Louvian method of community detection.
import 'vendor/jLouvian/jLouvian.js';
Define all the variables.
var narrative,
scenes, characters, introductions, links,
size, orientation, pathSpace, scale,
labelSize, labelPosition, groupMargin, scenePadding,
Set some defaults.
size = [1,1];
scale = 1;
pathSpace = 10;
labelSize = [100,15];
labelPosition = 'right';
scenePadding = [0,0,0,0];
groupMargin = 0;
orientation = 'horizontal';
The narrative object which is returned and exposes the public API.
narrative = {};
Set or get the scenes array. If an array is passed, sets the narrative’s scenes to the passed array, else returns the scenes array.
narrative.scenes = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) {
return scenes;
scenes = _;
return narrative;
Set or get the characters array. If an array is passed, sets the narrative’s characters array, otherwise returns the characters array.
narrative.characters = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) {
return characters;
characters = _;
return narrative;
Set or get the size of the layout. A two element array [width,height]
. Note
that this is considered a guide for the layout algorithm.
See narrative.extent()
for getting the final size of the layout.
narrative.size = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) {
return size;
size = _;
return narrative;
Incomplete: Only the default (horizontal) option is fully supported.
Set the orientation to use for the layout. The choices are 'horizontal'
or 'vertical'
. In a horizontal orientation ‘time’ runs from left to right
and in vertical, top to bottom.
narrative.orientation = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) {
return orientation;
orientation = _;
return narrative;
Get the extent of the space used by the layout. This is useful for adjusting the size of the containing element after the layout has been calculated.
Despite being able to set the size (see narrative.size()
), it’s not always
possible to contain the chart in the available space. This function will
provide a [width,height]
array of the layout extent after the layout has
narrative.extent = function(){
return scenes.concat(introductions).reduce(function(max, d){
var bounds = d.bounds();
if (bounds[1][1] > max[1]) {
max[1] = bounds[1][1];
if (bounds[1][0] > max[0]) {
max[0] = bounds[1][0];
return max;
}, [0,0]);
narrative.pathSpace = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) {
return pathSpace;
pathSpace = _;
return narrative;
The characters are divided into groups based on the strength of their relationships (i.e. co-appearances in scenes). These groups are then arranged in a way designed to reduce congestion in the centre of the chart. To give thelayout a more open feel, a group margin can be set.
narrative.groupMargin = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) {
return groupMargin;
groupMargin = _;
return narrative;
By default scenes have a height equal to character height × character count
and a width of zero. You may want to allow for extra space around scenes so
collisions with labels can be avoided. To set a padding pass an array of values
matching the CSS padding argument order [top, right, bottom, left]
narrative.scenePadding = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) {
return scenePadding;
scenePadding = _;
return narrative;
Set or get the default space to allocate in the layout for character labels.
Must be a two element array [width,height]
. Label sizes specific to each
character which will override these defaults can be set by defining height
and width
properties on individual character objects.
narrative.labelSize = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) {
return labelSize;
labelSize = _;
return narrative;
Set or get the default label position for character labels. Valid options are
, below
, left
, right
. This can be overridden by setting defining
a labelPosition
property on individual character objects.
narrative.labelPosition = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) {
return labelPosition;
labelPosition = _;
return narrative;
Returns an array of links. Each link is consecutive appearances for a given
character. Links are an object with source
and target
properties which
are both appearance objects.
narrative.links = function() {
return links;
Returns a function for generating path strings for links.
Links are objects with source
and target
properties which each contain
an x
and y
property. In the context of the narrative chart these are
either character apperance or introduction nodes.
narrative.link = function() {
var curvature = 0.5;
This function should be used to set the path
attribute of links when
displaying the narrative chart. It accepts an object and returns a path
string linking the two.
function link(d) {
var x0,x1,y0,y1,cx0,cy0,cx1,cy1,ci;
Set path end positions.
x0 = (d.source.scene) ? d.source.scene.x + d.source.x : d.source.x;
y0 = (d.source.scene) ? d.source.scene.y + d.source.y : d.source.y;
x1 = (d.target.scene) ? d.target.scene.x + d.target.x : d.target.x;
y1 = (d.target.scene) ? d.target.scene.y + d.target.y : d.target.y;
Set control points.
if (orientation === 'vertical') {
ci = d3.interpolateNumber(y0, y1);
cx0 = x0;
cy0 = ci(curvature);
cx1 = x1;
cy1 = ci(1-curvature);
} else {
ci = d3.interpolateNumber(x0, x1);
cx0 = ci(curvature);
cy0 = y0;
cx1 = ci(1-curvature);
cy1 = y1;
return "M" + x0 + "," + y0 +
"C" + cx0 + "," + cy0 +
" " + cx1 + "," + cy1 +
" " + x1 + "," + y1;
Set or get the curvature which should be used to generate links. Should be in the range zero to one.
link.curvature = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) {
return curvature;
curvature = _;
return link;
return link;
Get an array of character introductions for plotting on the graph. Introductions are nodes (usually with labels) displayed before the first scene in which each character appears.
narrative.introductions = function() {
return introductions;
Compute the narrative layout. This should be called after all options and data have been set and before attempting to use the layout’s output for display purposes.
narrative.layout = function() {
return narrative;
Return the public API.
return narrative;
Populate the scenes with characters from the characters array. This method also cleanses the data to exclude characters which appear only once and scenes with fewer than two characters.
function computeSceneCharacters() {
var appearances, finished;
Create a map of scenes to characters (i.e. appearances).
appearances = [];
scene.characters.forEach(function(character) {
If the character isn’t an object assume it’s an index from the characters array.
character = (typeof character === 'object') ? character : characters[character];
Note forced character positions and sizes.
character._x = character.x || false;
character._y = character.y || false;
character._width = character.width || false;
character._height = character.height || false;
Add this appearance to the map.
appearances.push({character: character, scene: scene});
Setup some properties on the character and scene that we’ll need later.
scene.appearances = [];
scene.bounds = getSceneBounds;
character.appearances = [];
note forces scene positions.
scene._x = scene.x || false;
scene._y = scene.y || false;
Recursively filter appearances so we ultimately only include characters with more than a single appearance and scenes with more than a single character.
while(!finished) {
finished = true;
appearances = appearances.filter(filterAppearances);
Filter appearances.
TODO: this could probably be more efficient (maybe with an index https://gist.github.com/AshKyd/adc7fb024787bd543fc5)
function filterAppearances(appearance){
var counts, keep;
counts = appearances.reduce(function(c, a){
if (appearance.character === a.character) {
if (appearance.scene === a.scene) {
return c;
}, [0,0]);
keep = counts[0] >= 1 && counts[1] >= 1;
finished = finished && keep;
return keep;
Re-construct characters
and scenes
arrays with filtered appearances.
characters = [];
scenes = [];
Cross reference scenes and characters based on appearances.
if (characters.indexOf(appearance.character) === -1) {
if (scenes.indexOf(appearance.scene) === -1) {
Cluster characters based on their co-occurence in scenes
function computeCharacterGroups() {
var nodes, edges, clusters, partitioner, groupsMap, initGroups;
An array of character indexes.
nodes = characters.map(function(d,i){return i;});
initGroups = characters.reduce(function(g,d,i){
if (d.initialgroup) {
g[i] = +d.initialgroup;
return g;
Calculate the edges based on a character’s involvement in scenes.
edges = [];
edges = edges.concat(sceneEdges(scene.appearances));
Consolidate edges into a unique set of relationships with a weighting based on how often they appear together.
edges = edges.reduce(function(result, edge) {
var resultEdge;
resultEdge = result.filter(function(resultEdge){
return (resultEdge.target === edge[0] || resultEdge.target === edge[1]) &&
(resultEdge.source === edge[0] || resultEdge.source === edge[1]);
})[0] || {source: edge[0], target: edge[1], weight: 0};
if (resultEdge.weight === 1) {
return result;
}, []);
Generate the groups.
partitioner = jLouvain().nodes(nodes).edges(edges);
if (initGroups) {
clusters = partitioner();
Put all characters in groups with bi-directional reference.
groups = [];
groupsMap = {};
characters.forEach(function(character, i){
var groupId, group;
groupId = clusters[i];
group = groupsMap[groupId];
if (!group) {
group = {id: groupId, characters: []};
groupsMap[groupId] = group;
character.group = group;
Creates a single link between each pair of characters in a scene.
function sceneEdges(list) {
var i, j, matrix;
matrix = [];
for (i=list.length;i--;){
for (j=i;j--;){
return matrix;
Each scene is assigned to a group based on the median character group for characters appearing in that scene. Note: “median” here is a mistake, it should be mode.
function setSceneGroups() {
var groupCounts, groupCountsMap, medianGroup;
groupCounts = [];
groupCountsMap = {};
var count, index;
index = groups.indexOf(appearance.character.group);
count = groupCountsMap[index];
if (!count) {
count = {groupIndex: index, count: 0};
groupCountsMap[index] = count;
return a.count-b.count;
medianGroup = groups[groupCounts.pop().groupIndex];
While we’re here record how many scenes this group is the modal group for.
medianGroup.medianCount = medianGroup.medianCount || 0;
scene.group = medianGroup;
Assign unique set of characters to each group based on appearances in scenes belonging to that group.
function computeGroupAppearances() {
var characters;
characters = scene.appearances.map(function(a){
return a.character;
scene.group.appearances = scene.group.appearances || [];
scene.group.appearances = scene.group.appearances.concat(characters.filter(function(character){
return scene.group.appearances.indexOf(character) === -1;
Sort the array of groups so groups which are most often the median are at the extremes of the array. The centre most group should be the group which is least often the median group of a scene.
function sortGroups() {
var alt, sortedGroups, group, i;
First sort by the group’s medianCount property (the number of times the group is the median group in a scene).
return b.medianCount-a.medianCount;
Specify order property and shuffle out groups into an ordered array.
sortedGroups = [];
i = 0;
while (groups.length) {
group = (alt) ? groups.pop() : groups.shift();
group.order = i;
alt = !alt;
groups = sortedGroups;
Compute the actual min and max y-positions of each group.
function computeGroupPositions() {
var max;
max = 0;
group.min = max;
group.max = max = characterGroupHeight(group.appearances.length) + group.min;
max += groupMargin;
Compute the position of each character within its group.
function computeCharacterGroupPositions() {
var sum, count;
sum = count = 0;
character.appearances.forEach(function(appearance) {
sum += groups.indexOf(appearance.scene.group);
character.averageScenePosition = sum/count;
var diff;
Average scene position.
diff = a.averageScenePosition - b.averageScenePosition;
if (diff !== 0) {
return diff;
return characters.indexOf(a)-characters.indexOf(b);
Group appearances (group.appearances
) is an array
of all characters which appear in scenes assigned to this group.
function sortGroupAppearances() {
var diff;
Try simple group order.
diff = a.group.order-b.group.order;
if (diff !== 0) {
return diff;
Average scene position.
diff = a.averageScenePosition - b.averageScenePosition;
if (diff !== 0) {
return diff;
Array position.
return characters.indexOf(a)-characters.indexOf(b);
function computeSceneTiming() {
var duration = 1;
scene.start = scene.start || duration;
scene.duration = scene.duration || 1;
duration += scene.duration;
scale = ((orientation === 'vertical') ? size[1]-labelSize[1] : size[0]-labelSize[0])/duration;
Compute the position of characters within a scene.
function computeAppearancePositions() {
var diff;
Try simple group order.
diff = a.character.group.order-b.character.group.order;
if (diff !== 0) {
return diff;
For characters in the same group use average scene position.
diff = a.character.averageScenePosition - b.character.averageScenePosition;
if (diff !== 0) {
return diff;
All else failing use main characters array order to keep things consistent.
return characters.indexOf(a.character)-characters.indexOf(b.character);
scene.appearances.forEach(function(appearance,i) {
if (orientation === 'vertical') {
appearance.y = scenePadding[0];
appearance.x = characterPosition(i) + scenePadding[3];
} else {
appearance.y = characterPosition(i) + scenePadding[0];
appearance.x = scenePadding[3];
Compute the actual x and y positions for each scene.
function computeScenePositions() {
scenes.forEach(function(scene) {
var sum, avg, appearances;
scene.height = characterGroupHeight(scene.appearances.length) + scenePadding[0] + scenePadding[2];
scene.width = scenePadding[1] + scenePadding[3];
appearances = scene.appearances.filter(function(appearance){
return appearance.character.group !== scene.group;
if (!appearances.length) {
appearances = scene.appearances;
sum = appearances.reduce(function(total, appearance){
return total += characterPosition(scene.group.appearances.indexOf(appearance.character)) + scene.group.min;
}, 0);
avg = sum/appearances.length;
if (orientation === 'vertical') {
scene.x = scene._x || Math.max(0, Math.min(size[0], avg - scene.width/2));
scene.y = scene._y || Math.max(0, Math.min(size[1], scale * scene.start + labelSize[1]));
} else {
scene.x = scene._x || Math.max(0, Math.min(size[0], scale * scene.start + labelSize[0]));
scene.y = scene._y || Math.max(0, Math.min(size[1], avg - scene.height/2));
Create a collection of character ‘introduction’ nodes. These are nodes which are displayed before the first appearance of each character.
function createIntroductionNodes() {
var appearances;
appearances = characters.map(function(character){
return character.appearances[0];
introductions = [];
var introduction, x, y;
Create the introduction object.
introduction = {
character: appearance.character,
bounds: getLabelBounds
Set the default position.
if (orientation === 'vertical') {
x = appearance.scene.x + appearance.x;
y = appearance.scene.y - 0.5 * scale;
Move x-axis position to the dedicated label space if it makes sense. if (x-labelSize[0] < labelSize[0]) { x = labelSize[0]; }
} else {
x = appearance.scene.x - 0.5 * scale;
y = appearance.scene.y + appearance.y;
Move x-axis position to the dedicated label space if it makes sense.
if (x-labelSize[0] < labelSize[0]) {
x = labelSize[0];
if (orientation === 'vertical') {
introduction.x = appearance.character._x || Math.max(0 + labelSize[0]/2, Math.min(size[0]-labelSize[0]/2, x));
introduction.y = appearance.character._y || Math.max(0, Math.min(size[1]-labelSize[1], y));
} else {
introduction.x = appearance.character._x || Math.max(0, Math.min(size[0]-labelSize[0], x));
introduction.y = appearance.character._y || Math.max(0 + labelSize[1]/2, Math.min(size[1]-labelSize[1]/2, y));
introduction.width = appearance.character._width || labelSize[0];
introduction.height = appearance.character._height || labelSize[1];
appearance.character.introduction = introduction;
Layout the introduction nodes so that wherever possible they don’t overlap scenes or each other.
function computeIntroductionPositions() {
var collidables, intros;
Get a list of things introductions can collide with.
collidables = introductions.concat(scenes);
Use a copy of the introductions array so we can sort it without changing the main array’s order.
intros = introductions.slice();
Sort by y-axis position top to bottom.
return a.y-b.y;
Attempt to resolve collisions.
intros.forEach((orientation === 'vertical') ? resolveCollisionsVertical : resolveCollisionsHorizontal);
Resolve collisions with horizontal layout.
function resolveCollisionsHorizontal(introduction){
var moveOptions, collisionBounds, introBounds, move, _y, collisions, movable;
Get the full list of items this introduction collides with
collisions = collidesWith(introduction);
No need to continue if there are no collisions.
if (!collisions){
Move colliding items out of the way if possible.
movable = collisions.filter(function(collision){ return (collision.character); });
Now only consider immovables (i.e. scene nodes).
collisions = collisions.filter(function(collision){ return !(collision.character); });
No need to continue if there are no collisions.
if (!collisions){
Get a bounding box for all remaining colliding nodes.
collisionBounds = bBox(collisions);
introBounds = introduction.bounds();
Record the original y-axis position so we can revert if a move is a failure.
_y = introduction.y;
Calculate the two move options (up or down).
moveOptions = [collisionBounds[1][1] - introBounds[0][1], collisionBounds[0][1] - introBounds[1][1]];
Sort by absolute distance. Try the smallest move first.
return Math.abs(a)-Math.abs(b);
Try the move options in turn.
while (move = moveOptions.shift()) {
introduction.y += move;
collisions = collidesWith(introduction);
if (collisions) {
if (move > 0 && collisions.every(isMovable)) {
} else {
introduction.y = _y;
} else {
Move the colliding nodes.
function moveCollision(collision) {
collision.y += introduction.bounds()[1][1] - collision.bounds()[0][1];
Resolve collisions with vertical layout.
function resolveCollisionsVertical(introduction){
var moveOptions, collisionBounds, introBounds, move, _y, collisions, movable;
Get the full list of items this introduction collides with
collisions = collidesWith(introduction);
No need to continue if there are no collisions.
if (!collisions){
Move colliding items out of the way if possible.
movable = collisions.filter(function(collision){ return (collision.character); });
Now only consider immovables (i.e. scene nodes).
collisions = collisions.filter(function(collision){ return !(collision.character); });
No need to continue if there are no collisions.
if (!collisions){
Get a bounding box for all remaining colliding nodes.
collisionBounds = bBox(collisions);
introBounds = introduction.bounds();
Record the original y-axis position so we can revert if a move is a failure.
_y = introduction.y;
Calculate the two move options (up or down).
moveOptions = [collisionBounds[1][1] - introBounds[0][1], collisionBounds[0][1] - introBounds[1][1]];
Sort by absolute distance. Try the smallest move first.
return Math.abs(a)-Math.abs(b);
Try the move options in turn.
while (move = moveOptions.shift()) {
introduction.y += move;
collisions = collidesWith(introduction);
if (collisions) {
if (move > 0 && collisions.every(isMovable)) {
} else {
introduction.y = _y;
} else {
Move the colliding nodes.
function moveCollision(collision) {
collision.y += introduction.bounds()[1][1] - collision.bounds()[0][1];
Is the supplied node movable?
function isMovable(collision) {
return (collision.character);
Create a bounding box around a collection of nodes.
function bBox(arr) {
var x0,x1,y0,y1;
x0 = d3.min(arr, function(d){
return d.bounds()[0][0];
x1 = d3.max(arr, function(d) {
return d.bounds()[1][0];
y0 = d3.min(arr, function(d){
return d.bounds()[0][1];
y1 = d3.max(arr, function(d) {
return d.bounds()[1][1];
return [[x0,y0],[x1,y1]];
Gets a list of all other nodes that this introduction collides with.
function collidesWith(introduction) {
var i, ii, collisions;
collisions = [];
for (i=0,ii=collidables.length;i<ii;i++) {
if (introduction !== collidables[i] && collides(introduction.bounds(), collidables[i].bounds())) {
return (collisions.length) ? collisions : false;
Check for overlap between two bounding boxes.
function collides(a,b) {
return !(
a[1][0] <= b[0][0] ||
b[1][0] <= a[0][0] ||
a[1][1] <= b[0][1] ||
b[1][1] <= a[0][1]);
Create a collection of links between appearances.
function createLinks() {
links = [];
var i;
Links to intro nodes.
character: character,
source: character.introduction,
target: character.appearances[0]
Standard appearance links.
for (i=1;i<character.appearances.length;i++) {
character: character,
source: character.appearances[i-1],
target: character.appearances[i]
Get the actual y-axis position of a character with the given (zero based) index.
function characterPosition(index) {
return index * pathSpace + pathSpace / 2;
Get the actual height of a group based on a character count.
function characterGroupHeight(count) {
return characterPosition(count) - pathSpace/2;
This is attached to all scene objects as scene.bound
and returns the bounds
for the scene node.
function getSceneBounds(){
return [[this.x,this.y],[this.x+this.width,this.y+this.height]];
This is attached to all character objects as character.bounds
and returns
the bounds of the character’s introduction label.
function getLabelBounds(){
switch(labelPosition) {
return [[this.x-this.width,this.y-this.height/2],[this.x,this.y+this.height/2]];
return [[this.x-this.width/2,this.y-this.height],[this.x+this.width/2,this.y]];
return [[this.x,this.y-this.height/2],[this.x+this.width,this.y+this.height/2]];
return [[this.x-this.width/2,this.y],[this.x+this.width/2,this.y+this.height]];