Road Accidents by State in India in 2012

Road accidents in the year 2012 is presented in the below map. The color of each state indicates the number of road accidents per 100,000 people. The color scale varies from 'medium shade of blue' to 'yellowgreen'. Hovering over the map highlights the state in the map as well as the legend. Likewise, hovering over the legend highlights the legend as well as the state in the map.Source:, 2015

Clearly, something is wrong in Goa. It is a tourist place that attracts lot of foreigners, and in turn, lots of natives. Also, the carnival environment and drunken driving cause a lot of accidents. However, this needs to be investigated further. North eastern countries do not have many accidents. Probably this is a function of per capita income and may be there are not enough vehicles on the roads or may be the people are more educated and responsible.