D3 Example: zoom, pan, and axis rescale
Pan & Zoom Axes
D3 Example: zoom, pan, and axis rescale
Canvas Path Benchmark
Canvas Animate Path Benchmark
Canvas over SVG Bug Part 1
Canvas over SVG Bug Part 2 (2015)
D3 Example: Global Surface Temperature: 500 ... 2009
SVG path benchmark (2012)
Trivially Simple Beam using D3.js
Lennard-Jones Potential in Interactive Graph
Simple 2D molecular simulation written in JavaScript
Simple JavaScript benchmarking tool
Comparing interpolation in Lab and LCh color spaces.
HSL colors in D3.js v2
JSHint test ...
JavaScript mixin patterns
Input Value Interpolation
IE Bug: Drag outside iframe and mouseup on IE10
D3 Example: Processing a nested json data structure with subsections
NetLogo Fast Bureaucrats model exploring self-organized-criticality (Java Applet).
NetLogo Global Climate model and JavaScript grapher (Java Applet).