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AfTerFibre problem
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta name="viewport" content="initial-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no" /> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" /> <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://cartodb-libs.global.ssl.fastly.net/cartodb.js/v3/3.15/themes/css/cartodb.css" /> <!--[if lte IE 8]> <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://libs.cartocdn.com/cartodb.js/v2/themes/css/cartodb.ie.css" /> <![endif]--> <style> html, body {width:100%; height:100%; padding: 0; margin: 0;} #cartodb-map { width: 100%; height:100%; background: black;} </style> <script type="infowindow/html" id="afterinfo"> <div class="cartodb-popup"> <a href="#close" class="cartodb-popup-close-button close">x</a> <div class="cartodb-popup-content-wrapper"> <div class="cartodb-popup-header"> <h3>Fibre</h3> </div> <div class="cartodb-popup-content"> <!-- content.data contains the field info --> <h4>City: {{content.data.phase_name}}</h4> <p></p> </div> </div> <div class="cartodb-popup-tip-container"></div> </div> </script> <!-- Header include and title are below --> <!--#set var="pagetitle" value="NSRC: Map of African Terrestrial Fibre Networks" --> <link rel="stylesheet" href="/css/afterfibre.css" /> </head> <body> <!-- Banner include goes here --> <!-- ****** PAGE CONTENT GOES HERE --> <h2 class="afterfibre">Map of African Terrestrial Fibre Networks</h2> <div id='cartodb-map'></div> <script src="https://cartodb-libs.global.ssl.fastly.net/cartodb.js/v3/3.15/cartodb.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> function main() { var layerSource = { user_name: 'afterfibre', type: 'cartodb', sublayers: [{ sql: "SELECT af_fibrephase.*,af_organisation.name FROM af_fibrephase, af_organisation WHERE af_fibrephase.operator_id = af_organisation.organisation_id", // fibre phases cartocss: '#af_fibrephase{line-width:2;line-opacity:0.7;} #af_fibrephase[live=false]{line-color: #00FFFF;} #af_fibrephase[live=true]{line-color: #FFFF00;} #af_fibrephase[live=null]{line-color: #FF00FF;}', interactivity: ['cartodb_id','phase_name'] }, { sql: "SELECT * FROM auc", // undersea cables cartocss: '#auc{polygon-opacity: 0;line-color: #EDF8FB;line-width: 2;line-opacity: 0.8;} #auc [ capacity_g <= 48000] {line-color: #005824;} #auc [ capacity_g <= 17000] {line-color: #238B45;} #auc [ capacity_g <= 4280] {line-color: #41AE76;} #auc [ capacity_g <= 1600] {line-color: #66C2A4;} #auc [ capacity_g <= 540] {line-color: #CCECE6;} #auc [ capacity_g <= 310] {line-color: #D7FAF4;} #auc [ capacity_g <= 60] {line-color: #EDF8FB;}' }] }; // Choose center and zoom level var options = { center: [0, 20], // Africa zoom: 4, legends: true }; // Instantiate map on specified DOM element var map_object = new L.Map('cartodb-map', options); // Add basemap to the map object just created L.tileLayer('https://dnv9my2eseobd.cloudfront.net/v3/cartodb.map-4xtxp73f/{z}/{x}/{y}.png', { attribution: 'Undersea cable data courtesy <a href="https://cablemap.info">Greg Malknecht</a><br>Mapbox <a href="https://mapbox.com/about/maps" target="_blank">Terms & Feedback</a>' }).addTo(map_object); var aftOptions = { https: true, // Africa legends: true }; cartodb.createLayer(map_object, layerSource, aftOptions) .addTo(map_object) .on('done', function(layer) { // do stuff var aftLayer = layer.getSubLayer(0); aftLayer.setInteraction(true); aftLayer.setInteractivity('cartodb_id,phase_name'); aftLayer.on('featureClick',function(event, latlng, pos, data, layerIndex) { console.log(data); }); // show infowindows on click cdb.vis.Vis.addInfowindow(map_object, aftLayer, ['cartodb_id','phase_name'], { infowindowTemplate: $('#afterinfo').html() }); // set up legend var aftLegend = new cdb.geo.ui.Legend.Custom({ title: "Fibre Status", data: [ { name: "Live", value: "#58A062" }, { name: "Under Construction", value: "#F07971" } ] }); $('#map_object').append(aftLegend.render().el); }) .on('error', function(err) { // report error console.log("An error occurred: " + err); }); } window.onload = main; </script> </body> </html>