function randomData(nodes, width, height) { var oldNodes = nodes; // generate some data randomly nodes = _.chain(_.range(_.random(10, 20))) .map(() => { return { key: _.random(30), size: _.random(8, 16), }; }).uniqBy('key').value(); if (oldNodes) { var end = _.random(oldNodes.length); var start = _.random(end); var add = _.slice(oldNodes, start, end + 1); nodes = _.chain(nodes) .union(add).uniqBy('key').value(); } var nodeKeys =, 'key'); links = _.chain(_.range(_.random(15, 25))) .map(function() { var source = nodeKeys[_.random(nodes.length - 1)]; var target = nodeKeys[_.random(nodes.length - 1)]; if (source === target) return; return { source, target, key: source + ',' + target, size: _.random(2, 4) }; }).filter().uniqBy('key').value(); maintainNodePositions(oldNodes, nodes, width, height); return {nodes, links}; } function maintainNodePositions(oldNodes, nodes, width, height) { var kv = {}; _.each(oldNodes, function(d) { kv[d.key] = d; }); _.each(nodes, function(d) { if (kv[d.key]) { // if the node already exists, maintain current position d.x = kv[d.key].x; d.y = kv[d.key].y; } else { // else assign it a random position near the center d.x = width / 2 + _.random(-25, 25); d.y = height / 2 + _.random(-25, 25); } }); }