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Projection Transitions
<!DOCTYPE html> <meta charset="utf-8"> <style> body { background: #fcfcfa; height: 500px; position: relative; width: 960px; } #projection-menu { position: absolute; right: 10px; top: 10px; } .stroke { fill: none; stroke: #000; stroke-width: 3px; } .fill { fill: #fff; } .graticule { fill: none; stroke: #777; stroke-width: .5px; stroke-opacity: .5; } .land { fill: #222; } .boundary { fill: none; stroke: #fff; stroke-width: .5px; } </style> <div></div> <script src="d3.v3.min.js"></script> <script src="d3.geo.projection.v0.min.js"></script> <script src="topojson.v1.min.js"></script> <script> var width = 960, height = 500; var option = {name: "Lagrange", projection: d3.geo.lagrange().scale(120).rotate([0, 0]).center([0, 0])}; var interval = setInterval(loop, 1500), i = 0; var projection = option.projection; var path = d3.geo.path() .projection(projection); var graticule = d3.geo.graticule(); var svg = d3.select("body").append("svg") .attr("width", width) .attr("height", height); svg.append("defs").append("path") .datum({type: "Sphere"}) .attr("id", "sphere") .attr("d", path); svg.append("use") .attr("class", "stroke") .attr("xlink:href", "#sphere"); svg.append("use") .attr("class", "fill") .attr("xlink:href", "#sphere"); svg.append("path") .datum(graticule) .attr("class", "graticule") .attr("d", path); var countries d3.json("world-topo.json", function(error, world) { if (error) throw error; countries = svg.selectAll(".country") // select country objects (which don't exist yet) .data(topojson.feature(world, world.objects.countries).features) // bind data to these non-existent objects .enter().append("path") // prepare data to be appended to paths .attr("class", "country") // give them a class for styling and access later .attr("id", function(d) { return "code_" + d.properties.id; }, true) // give each a unique id for access later .attr("d", path) // create them using the svg path generator defined above .style("fill", () => `hsl(${Math.random() * 360},50%,50%)`); }); function loop() { update(); } function update(option) { // console.log('update', option, svg) countries.transition() .duration(1000) .style("fill", () => `hsl(${Math.random() * 360},50%,50%)`); } function projectionTween(projection0, projection1) { return function(d) { var t = 0; var projection = d3.geo.projection(project) .scale(1) .translate([width / 2, height / 2]); var path = d3.geo.path() .projection(projection); function project(λ, φ) { λ *= 180 / Math.PI, φ *= 180 / Math.PI; var p0 = projection0([λ, φ]), p1 = projection1([λ, φ]); return [(1 - t) * p0[0] + t * p1[0], (1 - t) * -p0[1] + t * -p1[1]]; } return function(_) { t = _; return path(d); }; }; } </script>