Customers wanted to add coupon codes to their site. My first reaction was "ZOMG. Who can issue coupons? Do they expire? How do we avoid using a coupon more than once? What if a transaction fails? etc.". The customers were much more relaxed about it and showed me what "the others" were doing (we even had a real coupon code to test things with): they seem to use [manually generated] Paypal hosted buttons so there must be a very small number of coupon codes (most probably - there's only one).
So what's the "threat" model?
Here's a trick that only requires static html: we keep a file for each coupon (the coupon code is the filename), and those files contain html snippets (e.g. a paypal pay button for buying the same product at a discount). We try to fetch the url corresponding to the code entered by the user and either succeed (present the discounted button[s]) or fail (gracefully).
Never knew people needed such things. Turns out they do, so there you have it :)
Modified to a secure url