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Filiere BIO
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<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/thibaultbl/Filiere_bio_en_france/master/css_radio_button.css"> <title>D3 Page Template</title> <script src="//d3js.org/d3.v3.min.js"></script> </head> <body> <form> <input type="radio" name="group-stack" value="Producteurs" id="r1" onclick="update_on_change()" checked> <label for="r1"><span></span>Producteurs</label> <p> <input type="radio" name="group-stack" value="Importateurs" id="r2" onclick="update_on_change()"> <label for="r2"><span></span>Importateurs</label> <p> <input type="radio" name="group-stack" value="Distributeurs" id="r3" onclick="update_on_change()"> <label for="r3"><span></span>Distributeurs</label> <p> <input type="radio" name="group-stack" value="Preparateurs" id="r4" onclick="update_on_change()"> <label for="r4"><span></span>Preparateurs</label> <p> </form> <div class='map-overlay-inner'> <input id='slider' type='range' name="slide" min='2008' max='2011' step='1' value='2008' onchange="update_on_change()"/> <input type="text" id="textInput" value=""> </div> <h1 style="color:#40464b;"> Répartition de la filière BIO par départements </h1> <script type="text/javascript"> var body=d3.select("body"); var svg=body.append("svg"); svg.attr({"width":"600px","height":"600px"}); var path = d3.geo.path(); var color_scale; var year; var color_scale_import; var var_of_interest = d3.select('input[name="group-stack"]:checked').node().value; update_viz(var_of_interest); function update_on_change(){ var_of_interest = d3.select('input[name="group-stack"]:checked').node().value; update_viz(var_of_interest); }; function handleMouseOver(d, i) { // Add interactivity // Use D3 to select element, change color and size d3.select(this).attr({ fill: "orange" }); var id_dep = d.properties.CODE_DEPT; var csv_selected = d3.dsv(";", "utf-8")("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/thibaultbl/Filiere_bio_en_france/master/bio_producteurs_dep.csv", function(data) { data = data.filter(function(row) { return (("0" + row['id_departement']).slice(-2) == id_dep); }) var id_array = 0; if (year == "2008") id_array = 0; else if (year == "2009") id_array = 1; else if (year == "2010") id_array = 2; else id_array = 3; svg.append("text").attr({ id: "t" + data.Annee + data.id_departement, // Create an id for text so we can select it later for removing on mouseout x: 30, y: 80 }) .text(function() { return data[id_array][var_of_interest].replace("s", 0) + " " + var_of_interest + " bio dans le département "; // Value of the text }); }); // Specify where to put label of text svg.append("text").attr({ id: "t" + d.properties.ID_GEOFLA, // Create an id for text so we can select it later for removing on mouseout x: 30, y: 100 }) .text(function() { return d.properties.NOM_DEPT; // Value of the text }); } function handleMouseOut(d, i) { // Use D3 to select element, change color back to normal d3.select(this).attr({ fill: color_scale(d.properties[var_of_interest]) }); var id_dep = d.properties.CODE_DEPT; var csv_selected = d3.dsv(";", "utf-8")("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/thibaultbl/Filiere_bio_en_france/master/bio_producteurs_dep.csv", function(data) { data = data.filter(function(row) { return (("0" + row['id_departement']).slice(-2) == id_dep) && (row["Annee"] == year); }) d3.select("#t" + data.Annee + data.id_departement).remove(); // Remove text location }); // Select text by id and then remove d3.select("#t" + d.properties.ID_GEOFLA).remove(); // Remove text location //d3.select("#t" + d.properties.ID_GEOFLA + "prod").remove(); // Remove text location } function updateTextInput(val) { document.getElementById('textInput').value=val; } function update_viz(variable){ year = document.getElementById('slider').value; updateTextInput(year); d3.dsv(";", "utf-8")("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/thibaultbl/Filiere_bio_en_france/master/bio_producteurs_dep.csv", function(data) { data.forEach(function(d) { d[variable] = d[variable].replace("s", 0); }); data = data.filter(function(row) { return (row["Annee"] == year); }) var max = d3.max(data, function(d) { return +d[variable]; } ); var min = d3.min(data, function(d) { return +d[variable]; } ); color_scale = d3.scale.linear().domain([0, max]).range(['#e0ffd8', 'green']); // Read JSON var dep = d3.json("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/thibaultbl/Filiere_bio_en_france/master/departments.json", function(geoJSON) { svg.selectAll("path").remove(); var projection = d3.geo.conicConformal() .center([2.454071, 46.279229]) .scale(3000) .translate([300,300]); path.projection(projection); var map=svg.selectAll("path").data(geoJSON.features) geoJSON.features.forEach(function(d){ var result = data.filter(function(producteur){ return (producteur.id_departement === d.properties.CODE_DEPT); }); d.properties[variable] = (result[0] !== undefined) ? result[0][variable] : null; }); map.enter() .append("path") .attr("stroke","black") .attr("d", path) .attr("fill", function(d){ return color_scale(d.properties[variable]);}) .on("mouseover", handleMouseOver) .on("mouseout", handleMouseOut); }); return data; }); } </script> </body> </html>