Built with blockbuilder.org
As I started work on building an htmlwidget
for a d3.js
adjacency matrix, I realized what probably should have been obvious. An adjacency matrix is really just a subset of heatmap, so I decided to try to blend the NCAA college football adjacency matrix idea from Matthew Lincoln's Shiny Adjacency Plot app with RStudio's d3heatmap
Fortunately @octonion has already scraped the data and made it available as a tsv
Thanks to everyone who shared their ideas and code to make this fairly painless and easy.
I would love for you to fork, extend, modify, improve, and enjoy the code.
# adjacency network with 2015 NCAA football data
# https://github.com/octonion/football
# get game data
"https://cdn.rawgit.com/octonion/football/master/ncaa/tsv/ncaa_games_2016.tsv" %>>%
read.delim(stringsAsFactors = FALSE) %>>%
mutate( opponent_name = gsub(x=opponent_name,pattern = "(%\\n)[\\s]{2,}", replacement = "", perl =T ) )-> games
# get school meta data
"https://cdn.rawgit.com/octonion/football/master/ncaa/tsv/ncaa_schools_2016.tsv" %>>%
read.delim(stringsAsFactors = FALSE) -> schools
# join schools and games to only get division 1 games
games %>>%
inner_join( schools ) %>>%
filter( division_id == 11 ) %>>%
inner_join( schools, c( "opponent_id" = "school_id" )) %>>%
filter( division_id.y == 11) %>>%
nodes = rbind(
select(., id = school_id, name = school_name.x),
id = opponent_id,
name = opponent_name
) %>>% unique,
edges = select(., source = school_id, target = opponent_id)
) -> game_network
vertices = game_network$nodes,
directed = FALSE
) %>>%
get.adjacency(sparse = FALSE) %>>%
d3heatmap(col = "Blues")