Built with blockbuilder.org
converted to an htmlwidget
. In this iteration, I wanted to separate the legend (an entropy line plot) from the tree. I would love feedback here.
# devtools::install_github("timelyportfolio/summarytrees@htmlwidget")
#use example from vignette
K <- 100
g <- greedy(node = dmoz[, "node"],
parent = dmoz[, "parent"],
weight = dmoz[, "weight"],
label = dmoz[, "label"],
K = K)
# Prepare the summary trees for visualization:
json <- prepare.vis(tree.list = g$summary.trees,
labels = g$data[, "label"],
tree = g$tree,
legend.width = 150,
node.width = 225,
node.height = 14,
units = "# of URLs",
print.weights = TRUE,
legend.color = "lightsteelblue",
color.level = 3)
forked from timelyportfolio's block: summarytrees R htmlwidget - better?