HTMLWidgets.widget({ name: "dimple", type: "output", initialize: function(el, width, height){ return {}; }, resize: function(el, width, height, instance) { }, renderValue: function(el, x, instance){ // add title if provided if (x.options.title){ if (x.options.title.html){ // if html provided then use innerHTML // this is not robust and will need more checking on js or R side el.innerHTML = x.options.title.html; } else if(x.options.title.text) { // if just text then make it an h3 titlenode = document.createElement("h3")["margin-top"] = 0;["margin-bottom"] = 0; titlenode.innerText = x.options.title.text; el.appendChild(titlenode); } } // make data in record or array of objects format // using the HTMLWidgets helper function = HTMLWidgets.dataframeToD3(; el.widgetDimple = drawChart(x.options,; if(typeof x.options.tasks !== "undefined"){ if(!x.options.tasks.length){ x.options.tasks = [x.options.tasks] }{ if(typeof task == "function"){ } }) } function drawChart(opts, data){ var subCharts = []; var c = null; var assignedColors = {}; //handle RJSONIO box/unbox troubles if( opts.defaultColors.length == 1 ) { opts.defaultColors = opts.defaultColors[0]; } //move this to top or make function since duplicated //allow manipulation of default colors to use with dimple if( opts.defaultColors.length || typeof(opts.defaultColors) == "function" ) { var defaultColorsArray = []; if (typeof(opts.defaultColors) == "function") { //assume this is a d3 scale //if there is a domain for the color scale given //then we will need to assign colors with dimples assignColor if( opts.defaultColors.domain().length > 0 ){ defaultColorsArray = opts.defaultColors.range(); opts.defaultColors.domain().forEach( function( d, i ) { assignedColors[d] = new dimple.color(opts.defaultColors.range()[i]) }) } else { for (var n=0;n s._axisBounds(i==0?"x":"y").max ? myChart.series[0]._axisBounds(i==0?"x":"y").max : s._axisBounds(i==0?"x":"y").max; } myChart.axes[i]._update(); } */ return myChart; }; //function to build axes function buildAxis(position, layer, myChart){ var axis; var axisopts = opts[position+"Axis"]; if(axisopts.measure) { axis = myChart[axisopts.type](position,layer[position],axisopts.measure); } else { axis = myChart[axisopts.type](position, layer[position]); }; if(!(axisopts.type === "addPctAxis")) axis.showPercent = axisopts.showPercent; if (axisopts.orderRule) axis.addOrderRule(axisopts.orderRule); if (axisopts.grouporderRule) axis.addGroupOrderRule(axisopts.grouporderRule); if (axisopts.inputFormat) axis.dateParseFormat = axisopts.inputFormat; if (axisopts.outputFormat) axis.tickFormat = axisopts.outputFormat; Object.keys(axisopts).filter(function(oky){ return [ "measure","type","orderRule","grouporderRule", "outputFormat","inputFormat" ].indexOf(oky) < 0 }).forEach(function(oky){ axis[oky] = axisopts[oky] }) return axis; }; //if facet not provided for x or y make Dummy variable //handle NULL facet if (typeof opts.facet == "undefined") opts.facet = {} opts.facet.x = opts.facet.x ? opts.facet.x : "Dummy" opts.facet.y = opts.facet.y ? opts.facet.y : "Dummy" if(opts.facet.x === "Dummy" || opts.facet.y === "Dummy") { data.forEach(function(d){ d.Dummy = 1; }) } var rows = d3.set({return d[opts.facet.y]})).values(); var nrow = opts.facet.nrow ? opts.facet.nrow : rows.length; var cols = d3.set({return d[opts.facet.x]})).values() var ncol = opts.facet.ncol ? opts.facet.ncol : cols.length; var tuples = d3.merge(,irow){return,icol){return {key:row + "~" + col, values: {"row":irow, "col":icol} }})})) var svgGrid ="#" +"svg") .style("width", opts.width ? opts.width : "100%") .style("height", opts.height ? opts.height : "90%" ); // .attr("transform", "translate(50,0)"); var grid = d3.layout.grid() .rows( nrow ) .cols( ncol ) .size([ opts.width ? opts.width : el.getBoundingClientRect().width * 0.9, opts.height? opts.height : el.getBoundingClientRect().height * 0.9 - 30]) .bands(); grid(tuples); tuples.forEach(function(cell,cellnum) { var filteredData = dimple.filterData(data, opts.facet.x, cell.key.split('~')[1]); filteredData = dimple.filterData(filteredData, opts.facet.y, cell.key.split('~')[0]); // Draw a new chart which will go in the current shape var subChart = new dimple.chart(svgGrid, filteredData); if (tuples.length > 1){ // Position the chart inside the shape subChart.height = grid.nodeSize()[1] subChart.width = grid.nodeSize()[0] if (opts.margins) { subChart.setBounds( parseFloat(cell.x) + opts.margins.left, parseFloat(cell.y) +, subChart.width - opts.margins.right- opts.margins.left, subChart.height - - opts.margins.bottom ) } else { subChart.setBounds( parseFloat(cell.x) + (30 * ( ncol == 1 ? 1.5 : 1 )), parseFloat(cell.y) + (20 * ( nrow == 1 ? 1.5 : 2 )), parseFloat(grid.nodeSize()[0]) - (30 * ( ncol == 1 ? 1.25 : 2 )), parseFloat(grid.nodeSize()[1]) - (20 * ( nrow == 1 ? 3 : 2.5 )) ); } } else { //only one chart if (opts.bounds) { subChart.setBounds(opts.bounds.x, opts.bounds.y, opts.bounds.width, opts.bounds.height);//myChart.setBounds(80, 30, 480, 330); } } //dimple allows use of custom CSS with noFormats if(opts.noFormats) { subChart.noFormats = opts.noFormats; }; //need to fix later for better colorAxis support if(d3.keys(opts.colorAxis).length > 0) { c = subChart[opts.colorAxis.type](opts.colorAxis.colorSeries,opts.colorAxis.palette) ; if(opts.colorAxis.outputFormat){ c.tickFormat = opts.colorAxis.outputFormat; } } //add the colors from the array into the chart's defaultColors if (typeof defaultColorsArray != "undefined"){ subChart.defaultColors = { return new dimple.color(d); }); } subChart._assignedColors = assignedColors; subChart = buildSeries(opts, false, subChart, filteredData); if (opts.layers.length > 0) { opts.layers.forEach(function(layer){ subChart = buildSeries(layer, true, subChart, filteredData); }) } //unsure if this is best but if legend is provided (not empty) then evaluate // also only want one legend so only set for cellnum = 0 if(d3.keys(opts.legend).length > 0 && cellnum == 0) { var l =subChart.addLegend(); d3.keys(opts.legend).forEach(function(d){ l[d] = opts.legend[d]; }); } //quick way to get this going but need to make this cleaner if(opts.storyboard) { subChart.setStoryboard(opts.storyboard); }; //catch all for other options //these can be provided by dMyChart$chart( ... ) //{{{ chart }}} //add facet row and column in case we need later subChart.facetposition = cell.values; // undocumented hook to run last minute chart code // allow functions using htmlwidgets::JS if( typeof opts.chart !== "undefined" ) { if( opts.chart.length == 0 ) opts.chart = [opts.chart] opts.chart.forEach(function(c){ if(typeof c == "function"){ // function should return an altered chart subChart =; } }) } subCharts.push(subChart); }) subCharts.forEach(function(subChart) { subChart.draw(); }) //get rid of all y for those not in column 1 //can easily customize this to only remove bits and pieces if(opts.facet.removeAxes) { ["x","y","z"].forEach(function(position){ //work on axis scaling //assume if remove then same scales for all charts axisdomain = []; subCharts.forEach(function(subChart){ subChart.axes.forEach(function(axis){ if (axis.position === position && !axis._hasCategories()){ axisdomain.push(axis._scale.domain()) } }) }); axisdomain = d3.extent([].concat.apply([], axisdomain)); subCharts.forEach(function(subChart){ subChart.axes.forEach(function(axis){ if (axis.position === position && !axis._hasCategories()){ axis.overrideMin = axisdomain[0]; axis.overrideMax = axisdomain[1]; } }) subChart.draw(null,true) }); }) //evaluate which do not fall in column 1 or row 1 to remove var xpos = d3.extent(subCharts,function(d){return d.x}); var ypos = d3.extent(subCharts,function(d){return d.y}); subCharts.filter(function(d){ return d.x!=xpos[0]; }).forEach(function(d){ d.series[0]._dropLineOrigin = function(){ return {"x" : xpos[0],"y" : ypos[1] + d._heightPixels()} } d.axes.forEach(function(axis){ if (axis.position === "y"){ //leave there for reference but set opacity 0 if (axis.shapes)"opacity",0); if (axis.titleShape)"opacity",0); } }) }); //now x for those not in row 1 subCharts.filter(function(d){ return d.y!=ypos[1]; }).forEach(function(d){ d.series[0]._dropLineOrigin = function(){ return {"x" : xpos[0],"y" : ypos[1] + d._heightPixels()} } d.axes.forEach(function(axis){ if (axis.position === "x"){ //leave there for reference but set opacity 0 if (axis.shapes)"opacity",0); if (axis.titleShape)"opacity",0); } }) }); } return subCharts; } } })