var curriedBandline =[model, model], function() { return setupBandline(model()) }) var config ={ rowPitch: 40 })[curriedBandline, model, config], function() { render(curriedBandline(), model(), config()) }) function render(curriedBandLine, tsers, config) { var margin = {top: 5, right: 40, bottom: 20, left: 120} var width = 370 - margin.left - margin.right var height = 370 - - margin.bottom var rowPitch = config.rowPitch var bandLineHeight = rowPitch * 0.75 // Column widths var nameColumnWidth = 165 var bandLineWidth = 100 var sparkStripWidth = 50 var columnSeparation = 6 // The bandline gets augmented with the View specific settings (screen widths etc.) var bandLine = curriedBandLine // fixme implement bandline .copy // Augment partially set up elements bandLine.xScaleOfBandLine().range([0, bandLineWidth]) bandLine.xScaleOfSparkStrip().range([0, sparkStripWidth]) bandLine.rScaleOfBandLine().range([2, 0, 2]) // Add new elements bandLine .rScaleOfSparkStrip(R.always(2)) .yRange([bandLineHeight / 2 , -bandLineHeight / 2]) .yRangeOfSparkStrip([rowPitch / 2 , -rowPitch / 2]) // Initialise the bandline renderer with SVG defs var svg = d3.selectAll('svg') bandLine.addDefs(svg) /** * Root */ svg .attr("width", width + margin.left + margin.right) .attr("height", height + + margin.bottom) var dashboard = bind(svg, 'dashboard', 'g', [{key: 0}]) /** * Headers */ bind(dashboard, 'header', 'text', [{key: 'Name'}, {key: 'Spread'}, {key: 'Time Series'}]) .entered .text(key) .attr('transform', translate(function(d, i) { return [0, nameColumnWidth, nameColumnWidth + sparkStripWidth + 3 * columnSeparation][i] }, rowPitch)) /** * Rows */ var row = bind(dashboard, 'row', 'g', tsers) row.attr('transform', function rowTransform(d, i) {return translateY((i + 2) * rowPitch)()}) bind(row, 'nameCellText', 'text') .text(key) .attr('y', '0.5em') bind(row, 'assignmentScoresCell') .attr('transform', translateX(nameColumnWidth + sparkStripWidth + 2 * columnSeparation)) .call(bandLine.renderBandLine) bind(row, 'assignmentScoresVerticalCell') .attr('transform', translateX(nameColumnWidth + columnSeparation)) .call(bandLine.renderSparkStrip) }