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New Political Compass
<html> <head> <title>new political compas</title> <script src="https://d3js.org/d3.v3.min.js" charset="utf-8"></script> <script src="ternary.js"></script> <style media="screen"> sup{ vertical-align: top; font-size: 0.8rem; } body{ font-family:sans-serif; } .column{ display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; max-width:800px; } img{ width:100%; padding-top:1rem; padding-bottom:1rem; } .note img{ display:block; width:30%; } h2{ font-size:1.3rem; } blockquote{ font-family:serif; } hr{ border: 0; height: 0; border-top:1px solid #999; } .date{ border-top:1px solid #999; color:#999; padding-bottom:10px; padding-top:10px; } .content{ max-width:600px; line-height:1.5rem; font-size:1.1rem; } .note{ max-width:600px; font-size:0.8rem; line-height:1.2rem; } .ternary-circle{ stroke:#c00; fill:#fff; } .ternary-line{ fill:none; stroke:#c00; } .ternary-tick{ fill:none; stroke:#000; } .major-ticks{ font-size:12; } .minor{ stroke:#eee; } .axis-label{ font-size:20; fill:#000; font-weight:bold; stroke:none; } .marker{ cursor: move; } .marker-text{ stroke:none; font-size:12; } .marker-text-outline{ stroke-width:5; font-size:12; stroke:#FFF; } </style> </head> <body> <div class="content"> <h1>New Political Compass</h1> <p>Hours poring over and analysing the manifestos and policy statements of the major parties has led to the development of a new ternary political compass covering the full political landscape and placing the choices available to today's voter in an understandable context.</p></div> <hr> <div id='viz'></div> <div class="date">May 2015</div> </body> <script type="text/javascript"> // Health Goth, Norm Core, Soft Grunge var markerCircleRadius = 5; var markers = [ { name:'SNP' ,value:[3,3,8] }, { name:'Labour' ,value:[3,5,3] }, { name:'Tory' ,value:[3,8,2] }, { name:'UKIP' ,value:[2,8,2] }, { name:'Plaid' ,value:[4,3,8] }, { name:'Green' ,value:[7,3,5] }, { name:'Lib Dem' ,value:[2,7,6] } ]; var width = 600, height = 700; var margin = {top:30, left:30, bottom:100, right:30}; var chart = d3.select('#viz').append('svg') .attr({ width:width, height:height, viewBox:'0 0 '+width+' '+ height }) .append('g') .attr('transform','translate('+margin.left+','+margin.top+')'); var axes = chart.append('g').attr('id','axes'); var plot = chart.append('g').attr('id','plot'); var ternaryPlot = ternary.plot().range([0,width-(margin.left+margin.right)]); var ternaryAxes = ternary.axes(ternaryPlot); ternaryAxes .ticks() .minorTicks([d3.range(0,101,5)]) .axisLabels(['Health Goth','Norm Core','Soft Grunge']); var drag = d3.behavior.drag() .origin(function(d) { var coord = ternaryPlot.point(d.value); return { x:coord[0], y:coord[1] }; }) .on('drag',function(){ d3.select(this) .attr({ 'transform':'translate('+d3.event.x+','+d3.event.y+')' }); }); var markerGroupEnter = plot.selectAll('.marker').data(markers) .enter() .append('g') .attr({ 'class':'marker', 'transform':function(d){ var coord = ternaryPlot.point(d.value); return 'translate('+coord[0]+','+coord[1]+')'; } }).call(drag) markerGroupEnter.append('circle') .attr({ r:markerCircleRadius }); markerGroupEnter.append('text') .attr({ 'class':'marker-text-outline' }).text(function(d){ return d.name; }); markerGroupEnter.append('text') .attr({ 'class':'marker-text' }).text(function(d){ return d.name; }); plot.selectAll('.marker text') .attr({ 'transform':function(){ return 'translate('+ (markerCircleRadius + 5) +','+3+')' } }) axes.call(ternaryAxes.draw); </script> </html>
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